Why Russia is Religious? Why Do Russians Believe in God?

Why Russia is religious? Why Do Russians believe in God? These are like common questions that often patronize the Russian legacy around the world. Religion in Russia is diverse, with Christianity, especially Russian Orthodoxy, being the most widely professed faith, but with significant minorities of non-religious people and adherents of other faiths.

A 1997 law on religion recognizes the right to freedom of conscience and creed to all the citizenry, the spiritual contribution of Orthodox Christianity to the history of Russia, and respect to “Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions and creeds which constitute an inseparable part of the historical heritage of Russia’s peoples”, including ethnic religions or paganism, either preserved, or revived.

According to the law, any religious organization may be recognized as “traditional”, if it was already in existence before 1982, and each newly founded religious group has to provide its credentials and re-register yearly for fifteen years, and, in the meantime until eventual recognition, stay without rights.

The Russian Orthodox Church, though its influence is thin in some parts of Siberia and southern Russia, where there has been a perceptible revival of pre-Christian religion, acts as the de facto, if not de jure, privileged religion of the state, claiming the right to decide which other religions or denominations are to be granted the right of registration.

Why Russia is Religious? Why Do Russians Believe in God?

Without doubt, the multiplicity of religions in Russia has been a traditional component of Russian identities for hundreds of years, contributing to a long-established ethno-cultural pluralism. There is then no need to ask the questions about why Russia is religious?, why do Russians believe in God?, etc. any longer, since you the above facts are enough proof of the Russian religiosity. However, below are some of the reasons why Russian is religious:

Religions in Russia

Here are the religions that are in Russia, at least, they are among the many you can find:

  • Orthodox Christianity

The most widespread religion in Russia is Russian Orthodox Christianity. The Orthodox faith is very strict. Upon entering a church, women must cover their hair, while men have to take off any headwear. There are a number of rules on how to behave in church and the service itself also follows a strict order. Divine services are not held in Russian, but in Old Church Slavonic.

  • Judaism

Russia has been home to Jewish people for centuries, even though they have been persecuted. However, in places like St. Petersburg, comparatively large Jewish communities have survived. Historically, Russia has always had a fairly large Jewish community, despite government sanctioned persecution of Jewish believers before and during Soviet times.

  • Buddhism

Buddhism has its place in Russia, too. St. Petersburg has a wonderful Buddhist temple that always welcomes visitors. Over two and a half thousand years old, Buddhism is one of the three oldest religions. The head of all Buddhists is the Dalai Lama, which literally translates to “the Ocean of Wisdom”. In Russia, Buddhism was first adopted by Buryats, one of the many types of Mongolian people who settled on Russian lands. The year 1741 is considered the official arrival of the religion in Russia.

  • Islam

Among the many religions Russia is Islam. Followers of Islam can be found mostly in the south of Russia. n Russia, Islam is prevalent, especially in the country’s southern regions. The religion also has lots of followers in the other parts of Russia, including St. Petersburg. You can find information about the Russian-Islam community in St. Petersburg at the Cathedral Mosque, which is located on Kronversky prospect, 7. Besides being an educational experience, visitors find this Mosque to be visually beautiful. It is one of the biggest mosques in Europe and can accommodate up to five thousand people.

  • Shamanism

The Tuva Republic close to the Altai mountains is home to Russian Shamanism. Believers from all over the country travel to this Siberian region to ask for shamanistic advice. The religion has spread through Central Asia and many people have adopted Shamanistic practices. The religion developed the most in the Tuva Republic, which is located near Altai and borders with Mongolia. For the past ten years Shamanism, along with Buddhism, had a rebirth in the Tuva Republic. At the moment there are about 170 Shamans residing here.

  • Rodnovery

The Slavic Native Faith, commonly known as Rodnoverie and sometimes as Slavic Neopaganism, is a modern Pagan religion. Rodnovery alone represented 44% of the followers of the “traditional religions of the forefathers”, thus approximately 750,000 people. Rodnover organisations include the Union of Slavic Rodnover (Native Faith) Communities headquartered in Kaluga.

The Moscow Community was the first to be registered by the state in 1994. Russian Rodnovers believe in Rod, the supreme God, and in lesser deities who include Perun and Dazhbog. Russian centers of Rodnovery are situated also in Dolgoprudny, Pskov and other cities, and Moscow has several shrines.

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