Why Nigeria Should Create More Technical Education

Nigeria can be said to be a growing state when it comes to technology. It is currently in the same ranking with African countries like Egypt, South Africa, and Kenya. This is so, in terms of its youth investment in exploiting technological innovations and the establishment of hubs across its commercial cities, Lagos and Abuja.

Hence, it becomes clearer to proffer explanations to why Nigeria should create more technical education instead of religious education. Other world powers and countries have made vast efforts in ensuring this type of education is not lacking, and it is the reason they have seriously gone beyond mediocrity, that is, from consumer to producer.

Quite sad, isn’t it? That Nigeria is still more of a consuming country than being a producing company. The reason is glaring. Nigeria is not investing very much in technical education. Its graduates are flooding its economic corridors in the labor market with theories, majorly lacking practical knowledge and its application.

What is Technical Education?

Also known as vocational education and training (VET), technical education refers to instructional programs or courses that focus on the skills required for a specific job or career. It aims to prepare individuals for employment in various trades, crafts, and technical fields, such as engineering, information technology, manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. The education is usually hands-on and practical, often including apprenticeships or internships to provide real-world experience.

Historical Meaning

Since the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries greatly increased the need for a skilled workforce, technical schools and institutes were established. The origins of technical education can be found in the Middle Ages guild systems, where craftspeople and tradespeople trained apprentices in specific trades.

Many countries established technical education in their national education systems during the twentieth century, recognizing its relevance for economic development and industrial progress. Expanding technical education in Nigeria has the potential to reduce unemployment, promote economic diversity, and enhance long-term development.

Technically, technical education has not grown very important in the society of men and women without its advantages and beneficial. Below are the many merits to which it is attached and should be embraced for:

  • Job Provision

Number one advantage of getting acquainted with technical education is that it tries to equip students or individuals with specific skills that are in demand in the labor market. This way, it will then lead to immediate employment opportunities.

  • Economic improvement

Since it has efficiently proven to be economically innovative in other advanced countries where it is immensely taught and inculcated, technical education can be a very useful tool to realizing huge profit for any embracing nations. A skilled workforce can attract and sustain industries, boosting the economy. It helps in reducing unemployment and underemployment.

  • Inculcation of Skills

Another very good thing which this type of education gives is that it promotes and reinforces students or individuals with trainings that place them neck and neck with other world counterparts. It also focuses on practical, hands-on training that prepares students for real-world tasks and challenges.

  • It Advances Career, Becomes More Flexible and Adaptable

The education Provides pathways for career advancement, enabling individuals to gain certifications and progress in their chosen fields. It is often more flexible in terms of entry requirements and duration compared to traditional academic education, making it accessible to a broader population.

This also can quickly adapt to changing industry needs and technological advancements of the country, thus ensuring the relevance of the skills being taught.


Just as it has a list of advantages, it again has a long list of disadvantages and weaknesses. Below is an outline of the demerits of technical education:

  • It means it is often perceived as less prestigious than traditional academic education, which can affect enrollment and funding.
  • It may focus too narrowly on specific skills, limiting the broader educational development of students.
  • It requires significant investment in specialized equipment, facilities, and trained instructors.
  • The demand for specific technical skills can fluctuate with changes in the economy, potentially leading to job insecurity.
  • The continuous technological advancements require ongoing training and skill updates, which can be challenging to maintain.

Why Nigeria Should Create More Technical Education

By investing in technical education, Nigeria can build a resilient and adaptable workforce capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

  • For Unemployment Sake

Nigeria faces high unemployment rates, especially among youth. Technical education can equip young people with the skills needed to secure jobs and become self-reliant.

  • For Diversification

The Nigerian economy relies heavily on oil. Developing technical education can support the diversification of the economy into sectors like manufacturing, technology, and agriculture.

  • For Mending Skill Gaps

– There is a significant gap between the skills available in the workforce and those needed by industries. Technical education can bridge this gap by providing relevant training.

  • To Proliferate Industrial Growth

As Nigeria aims to industrialize, a skilled technical workforce is crucial for the development and maintenance of infrastructure, manufacturing plants, and technological advancements.

  • To Empower Youth

Technical education, no doubt, empowers young people by giving them the skills and confidence to start their own businesses and become entrepreneurs.

  • For Competitiveness

A well-trained technical workforce can improve the competitiveness of Nigerian industries on a global scale, attracting foreign investment and boosting exports.

  • For Sustainability

Technical education can contribute to sustainable development by promoting skills in renewable energy, environmental management, and other green technologies.

Countries Where Technical Education is Adopted

Technical education, which focuses on practical skills and specialized knowledge in fields like engineering, information technology, and vocational trades, is an essential part of many countries’ educational systems. These countries have developed comprehensive technical education systems that integrate practical training with academic learning, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the demands of the modern workforce.


Germany is renowned for its dual education system, which combines classroom instruction with on-the-job training. Students split their time between vocational schools and apprenticeships in companies. The country has numerous vocational schools (Berufsschulen) that offer specialized training in various technical fields including vocational ones. German technical qualifications are highly regarded globally, contributing to the country’s strong industrial base.


Switzerland has a robust apprenticeship system where students can choose from over 230 different vocational training programs. The Swiss system allows for seamless transition from vocational training to higher education, enabling students to pursue advanced degrees later if they choose.


For its national embrace of the comprehensiveness of technical education, Finland’s education system is noted for its inclusivity and emphasis on technical and vocational education. Known as Universities of Applied Sciences, these institutions offer specialized technical education focused on practical skills and research.

South Korea

South Korea has specialized in vocational high schools that provide targeted education in fields like IT, engineering, and business. Strong collaboration between educational institutions and industries ensures that the curriculum is aligned with market needs.


One different thing about this Institute of Technical Education (ITE) is that it offers a wide range of technical courses and is a key institution in Singapore’s educational landscape. Singaporean polytechnics provide industry-relevant diploma programs, with a strong emphasis on practical skills and internships.


Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes offer a variety of vocational education and training (VET) programs that are industry-focused and competency-based. Australian VET programs often involve close partnerships with industries to ensure that training meets the current workforce demands.

United States

Many community colleges in the U.S. offer associate degrees and certificates in technical fields. Various states have specialized technical high schools that provide focused education in trades and technologies. The U.S. has numerous programs emphasizing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education to meet technological workforce needs.


China has a vast network of technical schools and colleges that train millions of students in fields such as engineering, manufacturing, and IT. The Chinese government has been actively promoting vocational education to support its industrial and technological growth.


The Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) in India provide training in various technical trades, with an emphasis on practical skills and employability. Indian polytechnics offer diploma courses in engineering and technology, contributing significantly to the skilled workforce.


Japan’s Kosen system provides education from the high school level to associate degree level, focusing on engineering and technology. These schools offer a range of programs in technical and vocational fields, ensuring that students acquire practical skills.


The Dutch Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs are well-integrated with the labor market, providing students with practical experience and industry-relevant skills. The Netherlands has several technical universities that offer advanced education and research opportunities in engineering and technology.


The Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology provide diploma and certificate programs in various technical fields. Many Canadian technical programs include co-operative education, where students gain work experience as part of their studies.


The Federal Institutes of Education, Science, and Technology offer a wide range of technical and vocational programs, from secondary to tertiary levels. In the same vein, its National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (PRONATEC) program aims to expand access to technical education and improve workforce skills.

United Kingdom

Further Education (FE) colleges in the UK offer a variety of vocational and technical courses. Also, it is believed that the UK has a strong apprenticeship system, providing practical training in collaboration with employers.

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