Why Do You Use the Library For Academic Inquiries?

Why Do You Use the Library For Academic Inquiries?

Why Do You Use the Library For Academic Inquiries?

Why Do You Use the Library For Academic Inquiries?…….The use of the library is vital to study activities. This is because the library is a storehouse of information. You need the library to survive in all academic activities. Without proper use of the library, you may be starved of information.

The use that you make of a library can be divided into three broad headings. You go to a library to borrow books. You can go to a library to consult reference materials. You can go to a library for general study.

Borrowing a Book

 Let us assume that you have been given the author and title of a certain book, which has been assigned to you to read. You would like to borrow it from the library, because it may take you sometime to read it. The first thing you do when you get to a library is to check whether or not the book is in stock and be sure it is available for lending. The next thing is to locate that book where it is in the library. To locate a book in the library, you should take the steps below.

Consult the right card catalogues

 For example, if you know the name of the author of the book, you should consult the author or name catalogue. Author or name catalogue consists of the name of the author on cards arranged in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname, institution or editor, by which the book is best known.

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