Why African Educational System Is Not Poor As Everyone Thought.

African educational system is definitely not poor as everyone thought it is. It is no popular fiction that countries across the world believe that African educational system is the poorest because of the belief which suggests the black continent generally operates a very far substandard education compared with that of the western and eastern continents. So, the reason why African educational system is not poor as everyone thought is arguable.

Even though universal education which is of western creation is never an African way or system of imparting and instilling knowledge and awareness, Africa is today (as reckoned with by the world’s academic platforms) however proud of African countries which by far have risen above board to deliver education as it obtains in so-called western civilization. With this truth dangling openly before our confirmations, this article is going to be discussing why African educational system is not poor as everyone thought.

Why African Educational System Is Not Poor As Everyone Thought.

Recently in some of parts of Africa, particularly in Nigeria, President Muhammad Buhari commissioned the best library in Kwara State University (KWASU), Malete with a charge to Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq to ensure that a competent successor takes over from the outgoing Professor Na’Allah Abdrulrasheed as the Vice-chancellor of the university. This library happens to be the best in West Africa.

Also, the University of Dar es Salaam new library now holds the record of being the largest African university library. It was built by the aid of the Chinese government. This library has the capacity to store more than 800,000 books and more than 7,000 library users.

Following from this simple data of innovations and proofs of academic excellence, most countries in Africa may be classified as developing countries, however, in terms of education, some of them are carving a niche for themselves. Among 140 countries that are trailing the path of excellence are 38 African countries which were ranked with the best education systems based on skills development by the World Education Forum(WEF).

Besides the selection was made based on the general level of skills of the workforce and the quality and quantity of education possessed by each of these countries, other factors considered as to why African educational system is not poor as everyone thought include:

  • Vast Interest in Digital Literacy

Digital literacy means having the ability to use technology in order find resources, critically evaluate these sources and create information. Digital literacy in the developing world plays an important role in economic growth, social progress and the expansion of knowledge. Africa upon this realization has grown beyond mediocrity, although growth is in progress. Evidence of this in countries like Egypt, Rwanda, and South Africa is why African educational system is not poor as everyone thought.

  • Consistency in Research

Many scholars are daily being given scholarships from foreign universities, having seen the consistent and excellent research abilities of African students in addition to knowledge. There are many levels on which the future of the world, not just Africa’s, rests on African research. First, Africa represents the youngest and fastest growing population in the world. This makes intellectual investment an imperative, to harness talent that is a significant and growing share of the global population and it is why African educational system is not poor as everyone thought.

  • State-of-the-Art Educational Resources and Facilities

There are many universities in Africa where the finest campuses that can compete with the standard of the world are found. Besides many private universities in this black continent are structured with resources sufficient enough for almost all courses of learning, focus being on those courses that are germane to national development.

  • Evidences of Critical Analyses Home and Abroad

Throughout history, evidences of political gladiators, speakers, and writers in different aspects of knowledge have risen in Africa, and this the world cannot deny. Although many of these Africans luminaries may have studied abroad, many of them got their education here in Africa. Obafemi Awolowo, Kofi Awoonor, Kofi Anan, and many more. Undoubtedly, many western universities pick students from Africa majorly because of their abilities to analyze phenomena critically; this is one of the why African educational system is not poor as everyone thought.

  • Creativity

Lastly, the manner of creativity displayed by Africans is stupefyingly great and excellent both in fields of Arts and Sciences. The creative expressions of African peoples are a complex blend of many media, each of which offers a unique perspective and which together communicate everything from the mundane to the sublime. That is why the rest of the heavily rely on African creativity for growth and development.

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