What You Can Do With a Masters in Special Education

People with prior degrees who want to work with pupils who have special needs should pursue a master’s degree in special education. The degree offers training on the types of disabilities that affect kids of all ages as well as the psychosocial aspects that influence these individuals. Students study efficient teaching techniques and how to give these kids relevant learning opportunities. They also learn how to modify lesson plans or make modifications for a particular impairment in a child.

Human growth and development, educational psychology, assessment in special education, learning impairments, special education instructional methodologies, emotional and behavioral problems, disability law, and applied behavior management are a few examples of special education courses. The majority of programs demand capstone elements, such theses, student teaching experiences, or thorough exams. Numerous master’s degree programs in special education provide specializations, such as dealing with autistic or visually impaired people. Graduates of this program are qualified to deal with a wide spectrum of special needs children, as well as their families and other educational personnel. At all academic levels, they are equipped to work with pupils that have unique needs. Students who earn a master’s degree in special education are also prepared to apply for licenses, which are necessary in all 50 U.S. states.

A master’s degree in special education can lead to a number of employment options helping people with disabilities.

Here are some potential career paths:

Special Education Teacher:

You can work as a special education teacher in schools, assisting children with a range of learning requirements. You might be able to specialize in something like autism spectrum diseases or intellectual disabilities thanks to your postgraduate degree.

Education Consultant:

Employ your knowledge to provide parents, educators, and schools with sound advice on how to handle pupils who have special needs. Conducting assessments, creating individualized education programs (IEPs), and offering professional development may all be part of this function.

Behavior Analyst:

Working with a focus on behavior analysis, you can evaluate and change the behaviors of people with special needs. This could entail working with other experts, doing behavior assessments, and creating behavior intervention strategies.

Special Education Coordinator:

Assume a leadership position within a school or district, administering IEPs and directing special education programs while also making sure that all applicable laws are followed.

Curriculum Developer:

Use your knowledge to create and adapt educational materials and curricula for students with special needs. This role may involve collaborating with teachers and administrators to enhance inclusive education.

Advocate for Special Needs:

Work with advocacy groups or as an independent advocate, supporting individuals with special needs and their families to navigate educational systems, ensuring that their rights and needs are met.

Educational Technology Specialist:

Explore the integration of technology into special education programs, developing and implementing tools that can enhance learning for students with diverse needs.

Researcher in Special Education:

Contribute to the field of special education through research. This could involve studying effective teaching methods, interventions, or policies that improve outcomes for individuals with special needs.

Post-Secondary Education Support:

Assist students with special needs in transitioning to post-secondary education settings, providing support services to ensure their success in higher education.

Specialized Therapist:

Pursue roles as a speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist, or physical therapist, specializing in working with individuals with special needs.


The Masters in Special Education salary depends on different factors like location and experience. The median annual salary for special education teachers was reported to be $61,030 as of 2019. Those working in ECE classrooms tend to earn the most, with the average coming in at $67,060, while at the kindergarten and elementary levels they earned $64,420 on average that year. For middle school special education teachers the average was $65,740 and for those working in high schools it was nearly the same at $65,710. A Masters in Special Education is a great choice for those who wish to make a difference in the lives of children with a wide range of challenges and disabilities


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