What is the True Meaning of Vocation?

What is the true meaning of vocation? It is the job you do because you strongly feel that doing it is the purpose of your life. It can also be seen as a job you do by way of rendering service or help to others. A vocation can also refer to those work activities in which one is specially gifted. People generally are committed to their vocations; find them intrinsically rewarding and perform them with great autonomy as well as feelings   of satisfaction, importance and relevance.

A major part of your life is your vocation. This is your career or even your business. Fulfillment in your vocation can contribute to leading a satisfying and successful life. Factors involved in having a satisfying vocation are that you should have a purpose, help others and be concerned about future generations.

Vocation can also be an occupation or the employment of an individual that is pursued more for its benefits to others or the society at large rather than for its monetary benefits. Income is a secondary benefit of a vocation. Thus, a vocation is seen as a source of enjoyment for the individual as it fulfills his psychological and spiritual needs. The word vocation comes from Latin Vocare, which means to call.

However, in modern times, a vocation refers to an occupation for which a person has special abilities or is trained to do that job. The questions vocation try to answer may include:

  • What is the purpose in life?
  • Does helping others affect your career?
  • What is the benefits of future generations?

The purpose of life

If you have a purpose in life, you have everything. Everyone has a unique life mission. The dream of what might be is more important than the record of what has been.

The way to get your purpose is to focus on what you want to be, consider what you want to do and considered the values and principles upon which your character and contributions are based.

If you enjoy doing some activity, if you are good at something, if you are concerned about solving some problem, or if you have a dream about reaching some heights, you are on your way to establishing your purpose in life.

Achieve your purpose through service

Instead of trying to become a person of status, try to become a person of value. And the way to do that is by helping others. Mission comes alive only to service—the idea of caring for others.

The whole concept of good business is based on providing the customer with products or services that will help that customer achieve his or her goals. Successful businesses go the extra mile to help out their customers. Likewise, in your job, if you have the attitude of working to help your company get what it wants or needs, you will succeed in your career.

The only way we can fulfill all our potential is from service to others, and we should make a habit of helping. When we help another, we help ourselves, we find meaning, and our satisfaction soars.

Benefit future generations

This principle states that if you want happiness for a lifetime, you should try to help the next generation. People of this planet are interdependent with all things.

The law of stewardship requires us to pass the planet on to future generations in a better condition than we found it in. We should do things with proper and high regard for of the people and the next generation.

You work in your vocation, job or business to benefit your family—especially your children. But also, your work should not be such that it destroys the environment or the lives of others just for the sake of personal gain. A person who does that may have greater material wealth but is never satisfied with his or her life.

The Difference Between Vocation and Profession

• Though both vocation, as well as profession, indicates the career or the occupation through which an individual makes a livelihood, vocation is a broader term than profession.

• Profession refers to the career that one opts for, getting extensive training and acquiring special skills to become eligible for a job in it.

• Vocation refers to an occupation for which god gives a calling to the individual.

• Vocation can mean not just the profession or the occupation that an individual pursues for a living but also the occupation for which he receives a calling from god.

• Profession requires training and qualification whereas vocation is the innate ability in an individual towards a particular occupation.

• In modern times, a vocation refers to an occupation for which a person has special abilities or is trained to do that job.

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