What are the defining Ideas of Development

What are the defining Ideas of Development…… The notion of development connotes growth, advancement, transformation or transition from a less desirable state to a more desirable one. It suggests that an object, individual or society has gone through a form of transformation, which makes its existing condition better than the  previous one.

 Technological Dimension of Development

Development can be defined as the systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or requirements i.e. an extension of the theoretical or practical aspects of a concept, design, discovery, or invention.

It can also be defined as the process of economic and social transformation that is based on complex cultural and environmental factors and their interactions.

 Essentially, development within the context of society is about positive change that is  purposefully towards profitable social goals that would benefit all in society. It is usually  a gradual process of improvement from one stage to another.

Within the context of society, the term ‘development’ is employed to describe changes in any of the various sectors of society, be it the political, spiritual, cultural, moral, technological or economic.

 Key dimensions of development.

Moral Dimension of Development

 Technological Dimension of Development

 Cultural Dimension of Development

Economic Dimension of Development

Political Dimension of Development

The following can be affirmed about what are the defining Ideas of Development in society:

  1. Development with specific reference to social change is a continuous process in society, and it is in this sense that society is understood to be
  2. Development in society connotes advancement through a constant and purposeful design and desire of humans to improve. It is the continuous movement forward of the human family towards perfect fulfilment. This suggests that development does not occur accidentally or through a self-generated process, but is normally intentionally initiated by humans. It is for this reason that development is said to be forward looking and self-fulfilling. Besides, true development is a movement towards a good and sustainable society, that is,  a society characterized by an adequate supply of the basic necessities of life.
  3. On the basis of the above submission that development is a dynamic, purposeful, progressive process of change, we may reasonably argue that that there is no society in   the world that is completely developed or self-sufficient, or without areas where development is

True development in society must be all embracing and impact on every domain of social existence, that is, the political, economic, technological, cultural and  moral spheres of  life. However, we should note that the notion of development that prevailed between the 1950s and 1960s focused on the technological and economic aspects of development, and thus reduced the process to what is widely known as modernization or westernization.

This idea of development is quite narrow and misleading. Development is more than economic growth. Rather, it is a multi-dimensional process involving positive changes in social structures, attitudes, and institutions in ways that would facilitate an improved standard of living.

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