What are the Conceptual Issues in the Definition of Technology?

 What are the Conceptual Issues in the Definition of Technology?

What are the Conceptual Issues in the Definition of Technology?

What are the Conceptual Issues in the Definition of Technology?…,Perhaps the most fundamental aspect of the philosophy of science and technology is getting clear on what technology really is. Philosophers and non-philosophers have defined it in various ways. By way of etymology, technology derives from the Greek word ‘ techne’ , which translates into ‘craft’ or ‘art’, “but can also be seen as a practice that is grounded in theoretical knowledge or ‘an account’, thus linking it closely to notions of expertise or know-how.This implies that it is from the ‘know-how’ that the craftsman can create a ‘craft’ or ‘art’. In other words, while craft basically refers to the finished product of an artisan (a major sense of contemporary conception of technology), techne refers to the knowledge by which the products were made. Thus, since techne is oriented towards the production of specific things, it is the case that the word ‘techne’ best translates as ‘technical knowled ge’. In this sense it does not confuse such knowledge with products that were created as a result of it. In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle tells us that “a techne is the same as a state involving true reason concerned with production.

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