How to Login to UI DLC Student Dedicated Email [Step by Step].

UI DLC Student Dedicated Email is a media through which the University of Ibadan Distance Learning communicates with the students on a day to day activities of the institution.

UI DLC Students Dedicated Email

The UI DLC Student Dedicated Email platform is a very active tools used the institution to get information across to her students.

Students who have access to this email are those students that have been properly registered after admission into the University.

In this post, we would work you through the  easiest way to login to your dedicated student email.

We have received series of question like, How can I login to my UI DLC student dedicated email? How can I sign into my portal? and so on.

The information you would be reading shortly will guaranteed your accessibility to your students email if followed as stated below.

List of  UI DLC Social Media Network for Interaction.

1. Facebook Page

Students are encouraged to make use of the available social media network like facebook, google+, yahoo groups, blogs etc. These media provide additional platform to interact and exchange information.

As at the time of publication, 2700 DLC students are registered member on facebook. Amongst these students, information flows easily. Students share their mind, ask questions, make enquiries and suggest idea on issues bothering on their academics.

DLC students are therefore invited to join via the following links for facebook

2.  Dedicated Email Addresses for DLC Students.

All DLC students are automatically assigned a DLC Dedicated Email Account after registration. All communications shall be done via this email address.

A typical DLC email address is while the default password is the student’s registered surname.

UI DLC Dedicated Email Services.

Students are to note that the UI DLC Dedicated Email Address provides services like:

  • Chat
  • SMS
  • Google +

How to Login to UI DLC Student Dedicated Email.

This can be done step by step. Follow the step below to access your student email.

Step 1:

Once your email has been confirmed, you can sign in to Distance Learning Center, University of Ibadan email services at:

The easiest way to Login to your dedicated student Email


Step 2:

When the page comes up, you will then put your username which is a combination of your Matric and Surname which comes in the format e.g.

The easiest way to Login to your dedicated student Email


Step 3:

After putting your username (, you will then put in your password.

The easiest way to Login to your dedicated student Email


Step 4:

Click the sign in button to get into your account

The easiest way to Login to your dedicated student Email


Step 5:

On clicking the “Sign in” button, a welcome message from Google is displayed, giving you the terms and condition for the email system. Click on the “I accept Continue to my account” button.

The easiest way to Login to your dedicated student Email

Once you have gone through these steps, you can now start using your new DLC email.

Breakdown of the DLC Email Platform.

  • Compose: This is used to compose a new email message to be sent to recipients.
  • Inbox: This shows the number of mails that an account holder is having; highlighting the unread mails (which are usually in brackets)
  • Sent mails: When a user sends emails to other people (official or non-official), a copy of the mail is being stored here.
  • New Hangout/Chat: This is used to search for users that you can hangout with using name, email or number for your search. You can either chat or hangout with other users.
  • Search Mail: In the event of having many mails in a user’s inbox (read and unread) the search mail functionality helps to narrow down searches in order to get the exact mail one might be looking for which could either be read or unread; inbox or outbox.

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