UI DLC Computer Science Department Courses are available in PDF below: To be able to read any of the course materials, you must have Adobe acrobat reader or PDF reader installed on your device. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat readerย or PDF reader installed you can download from google play store or download directly from google if you are using other devices.
Knowing your course:
Computer science degree deal with the theoretical foundations of information and computation, taking a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. Computation is defined as any type of calculation or use of computing technology that follows well-defined models such as algorithms and protocolsย in the practice of information processingย which in turn is defined as the use of these models to transform data in computers.
100 Level Computer Science Courses for both semester
First Semester Courses
CSC 102, MAT 111, MAT 121, PHY 102, STA 115
CSC 102,
MAT 111,
PHY 102,
UI DLC Computer Science Department Courses
MAT 121;ย Not yet available
STA 115;ย Not yet available
Second Semester Material
CSC 103, MAT 141, PHY 104, PHY 105, STA121
CSC 103,
MAT 141,
PHY 104,
PHY 105,
200 Level Computer Scienceย Materialย
First Semester Courses
CSC 242, CSC 235, CSC 231, CSC 213, MAT 213, STA 211
CSC 242,
CSC 235,
CSC 231,
CSC 213,
MAT 213,- Not yet available
STA 211
Second Semester Courses
CSC 293, CSC 222, CSC 236, CSC 272, CSC 299
CSC 293,
CSC 222,
CSC 236,
CSC 272,
CSC 299- Not available