How to Study for 10 Hours Daily Without Distraction

Many students may have been bothering themselves on how to study for 10 hours daily without distraction. This is because getting closer to books is the only fuel that can help a student overcome the tempting hurdles of failures. Like I used to tell my students, in academics, hard work or diligence is the only way to go.

What then is distraction? Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from a desired area of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information.

They may be those little pleasures or activities that are capable of undoing one’s dreams, targets and eating up one’s schedules before one ever lays hands on them.

How to Study for 10 Hours Daily Without Distraction

Here are steps to take or things to do if you really want to man your academic life and then push it into greatness or the kind of success or excellence you have ever dreamt of it. As there are no other tips or hints on how to study for 10 hours daily without distraction, we have taken it upon ourselves to give you the important tips below:

Read Complex Topics First

It has been scientifically proven that human beings are high on concentration level at the initial phase of our study hours and this gradually decreases with the passage of time. So, it is wiser to take up difficult topics in the beginning and keep the easier ones for the latter phase.

This strategy works because difficult topics need high mental focus which can only be attained during our most productive or high concentration duration. Moreover, the easy topics would be a cake walk if you get the self motivation of completing the difficult topics even if you feel tired during the later study hours.

Another advantage of completing the complex topics first is; if you get them out of the way, you’re likely to study for long hours.

Always Take a Short Period Off

A power nap is a short period of sleep that helps in elevating one’s energy and revitalizing their body. It is one of the most viable steps on how to study for 10 hours daily without distraction. Our mind gets worked up after studying for long durations. Taking short naps ranging from 20-40 minutes can increase the quality of study you do, as the body is charged up even better than the time we wake up in the morning.

Too much stress can also hamper your studies and a quick power nap can help to bring down the stress. While setting up your timetable try to incorporate at least 1 nap a day. It can do wonders!

Set up an alarm if you do not wish to sleep more than the time devised. It enhances memory as well as sharpens it along with bestowing upon your body lots of energy to go along and reach your goals.

Exercise Daily

Several studies suggest that physical exercise improves concentration, long-term memory, boosts learning ability, and controls depression and anxiety. It is therefore one of the things to do on how to study for 10 hours daily without distraction. Not just this, the benefits of exercise go way beyond that. It helps you to be more motivated and focused.

As per the latest survey, 30-odd minutes of vigorous, sweat-inducing cardiovascular exercises are good to start. So, all you need to put in is 30 minutes of time well-invested in your health and mind.

If you are not sure which exercise would be suitable for you, please feel free to consult a professional trainer or healthcare provider to learn about the effective exercises.

Take Intelligent Breaks

It has been scientifically proven that taking breaks in between studying not only reduces stress but also increases productivity. Taking a short break in between every topic/chapter done helps to recollect it in a better manner. It is also said that this practice will not only enhance memory but also ensure that the mind gets more time to absorb knowledge in a better way.

Intelligent breaks can help you become sharper and smarter. It can range from 5-60 minutes depending upon one’s necessity. It also helps to cope up with Boredom which is a challenge faced by almost every student. It is advisable to use productivity tools like Pomodoro timer, which can be used to effectively time your breaks in between two successive study sessions.

For those who are unaware of this tool, Pomodoro technique is a time-management tool that is based on spaced study/work sessions with breaks in-between. Usually, a timer of 25 mins with a 5 mins break or a timer of 50mins with a 10 mins break is used in Pomodoro. It is based on the idea of working for a measured segment of time with small breaks of a few minutes in between.

It has been scientifically proven that an average human mind can not focus on more than 50mins in one stretch. So, instead of doing the work in-efficiently we should take breaks to rewire our minds and reset our energy levels. One of the things that I would recommend you is trying out digital detox, especially during these breaks.

Keep Your Eyes Off Temptations

You’re less likely to concentrate if you’re fond of putting multiple objects around you. It is recommended to keep every disturbing object away while studying. Make sure your mobile phone is either switched off or on silent mode and your desk doesn’t have the laptop or any other gadget on it.

The main objective of such measures is to make sure that your only focus would be on the studies. To ensure better implementation of this, you need to first execute digital detox and secondly study at a clean & peaceful space. The location one can opt for can be a terrace or a local library.

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How Learning Difficulties Arise and 5 Ways to Deal with Them

Eat Good Food

People who eat junk food or fast foods during the study breaks are more likely to suffer from health issues or chronic diseases. This happens as it makes us lethargic and low on energy to perform. This is one of the main reasons for which people find it difficult to learn or master the how to study for 10 hours daily without distraction.

Thus, it is advisable to stick to healthy foods like normal home made food with lots of protein and fibre, especially brain foods like spinach, almond etc. which improves the mental tenacity. These foods act as a fuel for the human brain to work for the long study hours.

Students are in the growing stage of their life, the food they eat is a building block for everything. Missing out on meals, eating only junk food, eating at an odd time is a big no-no.

Apart from all these, having water in each 2 hours duration would ensure that the brain is properly hydrated and ready for use.

Be Organized

Improper management is the root cause of all the potential mishaps that might follow. Thus, making sure everything is organized on the study table is the first requisite for starting off. Apart from this, the study schedule for the day, week or month needs to be prepared beforehand to avoid any further confusions.

Moreover, Micro planning of your study is one of the most crucial sectors to be focused on to ensure optimum management of time and resources.

Make sure that the macro and micro schedule go in sync with the time in hand with ample breaks with in-between. This will make sure you can sustain for long hours without getting bored in between.

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