7 Ways To Stop Cramming for Exam When You’re Reading.

To stop cramming for exam when  reading may be a difficulty experience among some students. For many students the concept of study brings to mind the mythology of late term cramming efforts and all-nighters.

Getting set to study can sometimes be a matter of realizing if you don’t get started right away and use whatever time remains you may well end up failing the exam.

For the next few days you frantically compile and study your notes until you feel you have a grasp on the information, undertaking intense study sessions only to feel frustrated at your results later on. Sound familiar right?

The strategy of cramming at the last minute often fails because you have to assimilate and integrate vast quantities of information in too short a period of time.

You are likely to feel overwhelmed and overloaded with details and ideas that do not seem connected. Such feelings will likely contribute to a broader sense of anxiety and dread about the exam.

You can read also: 42 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades and be a Successful Student.

You cannot expect to perform well consistently  if you don’t stop cramming for exam when you’re reading or studying. Anyways, let me share with you some problems cramming may deposited in you;

 Problem With  Cramming are:

  • You do not allow yourself adequate time to integrate ideas,
  • You do not allow your brain to consolidate information into meaningful patterns,
  • You do not allow yourself to  analyze and criticize the ideas,
  • Limited time to reflect on ideas so as to gain a deeper understanding of their connections,
  • Limited time to test yourself by recitation and elaborative rehearsal.

Instead, you struggle to hold all the terms and concepts in your memory long enough to make it to the exam room.

Some information “spills out” on the way: the newly-learned material is not well connected to previously retained information.

Under the pressure of the exam, you may find that you forget pertinent details, that you cannot see important connections, and that you cannot adequately analyze and interpret the questions so as to draw on what you do remember. All these Sounds familiar right?

7 Ways To Stop Cramming for Exam When You’re Reading.

So what you should do to address the problems of cramming is vested on setting up a routines that can be put in place without great effort for both long term and short term study. Here some of the tips that would help you do away with cramming when studying:

1. Develop Students Idea Relation 

Ask other students about their ideas on a particular topic. Sometimes I learn faster when my colleague share ideas on what is important and compare this with what I  thought was important.

The idea is to consolidate and integrate your prior learning as you proceed through a course of study. Such consolidation and integration is most effective when it is gradual and regular.

2. Make a Review

The key thing to do is to make reviewing a regular part of your study or homework routine.

3. Focus on Key Words and Phrases

A sensible approach to reviewing regularly might entail starting a study session with a quick review of material covered the last time you studied the topic under consideration. Focus on key words and phrases. Keep this sort of reviewing brief (about 10-15 minutes duration) — think of it as a “warm-up.” Each week or so, briefly consider recent lecture notes and reading notes from your various courses.

4. Understand Your Course Descriptions

Check the course description and list of lecture and reading titles on your course syllabus: themes, concepts, and important details should make sense together. In lectures look for repeated concepts or ideas identified by key transitions such as “more importantly or “generally.

5. Identify Important Topics

In texts and articles, use introductions, abstracts, headings, subheadings, bold face type and summaries to identify important topics and material.

6. Check Past Assignments

Check past assignments, tests, and essay topics for relevant topics of study.

7. Attend Tutorials

Attend tutorials and class review sessions and study groups.

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