States With Highest Number of Professors in Nigeria

The country is one of the most educated countries in the African continent. This is because Nigeria takes a serious hold on education both in the secondary and tertiary institutions across all states. Subsequently, this article will be outlining some of the states with highest number of professors in Nigeria. Professors are academics with the highest grades to teach after a long-year experience of intensive research and critical inquiry.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria is made up of thirty-six States and the Federal Capital Territory and there are about two Federal Government Colleges in each state. These schools are funded and managed directly by the Federal Government through the Ministry of Education.

At the primary and secondary levels, the educational systems in Nigeria are divided into two the public where the student only pays for PTA while the private where students pay school fees and some other fees like sports, exam fees, computer fees etc. and they are costly. Education policy in Nigeria was still largely shaped by the colonial policy of the British Colonial Period.

At the university level, according to the Federal Ministry of Education, Nigeria has 43 approved federal universities, 47 approved state universities, 75 approved private universities, 28 approved federal polytechnics, 43 approved state polytechnics, 51 approved private polytechnics, 22 approved federal colleges, 47 approved state colleges and 26 approved private colleges.

States With Highest Number of Professors in Nigeria

As a result of this increase in the numbers of universities and the prioritization of education even though the country’s economic system does not encourage the idea of furthering education, there is also an increased states with highest number of professors in Nigeria. Let us get a peep on it:

  • Ekiti State
  • Imo State
  • Ogun State
  • Osun State
  • Oyo State
  • Rivers State
  • Enugu State
  • Lagos State
  • Delta State
  • Anambra State

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  1. Precious

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