Steps to Starting a Successful Blogging Career: Complete Guide

Starting a successful blogging career is a great way to make money online so much so that today many successful bloggers make a full-time income from their blogs. If you’re starting a blogging career for the purposes of making money, and you’re not actually passionate about writing in the first place, then you’re largely wasting your time. The art of blogging isn’t simply scientific or formulaic. Without a deep-seated passion for your craft, you’ll face a tide of frustration and upset.

So before you think about starting, get clear on what you’ll write about. Define a topic or niche, and design all your content around those things and connect your blog with google webmaster verification tool . This will help you to not only laser-focus your writing, but also to build digital products and services that compliment your content.

This allows you to attract customers in, enticing them with your highly-informative posts, then tempting them with a lead magnet before dropping them into your sales funnel.

It is relatively straightforward to starting a successful blogging career, it’s a monumental undertaking to generate any semblance of traffic and profit from your  work. You need to be focus and persistence to build an audience. It takes time and it takes long to hit it hard in blogging.

Steps to Starting a Successful Blogging Career

There are lots of guides about starting a successful blogging career, but here’s what makes this one different: here’s what you need to do in a step-by-step to become successful in blogging;

1. Make Blogging Your Hobby

The most important step to starting a successful blogging career is to make blogging your hobby, doing this  can be a way to build your successful brand, or a line on your resume that can help you land a job.

It is no doubt that making blogging a hobby can land you a lifetime job opportunity. did you know that it can be a job? While the majority of blogs are personal platforms, researchers estimates that up to 39% of bloggers do it for money. Building and showing your skills through a personal blog is a great way to starting a successful blogging career. The ultimate guide to making blogging your hobby and n return creating a lifetime job opportunity are:

  1. Choose Your Blog Niche: If you haven’t already, take inventory of your own blog. What is your niche and demographic? What types of strategies have you used to get your blog noticed? How do you plan and organize your content? Keeping a record of your own successes as a blogger will help you identify what you can bring to a company’s strategy and how to craft your resume. Similarly, noting the areas where you can grow will show you where to focus as you’re improving your blogging skills.
  2. Writing Regularly: To make blogging your hobby you need  to have the habit of writing regularly for your blog, establish outside credibility by contributing to other blogs and publications. This will not only enhance your writing skills, it’ll get your name in the blogosphere and help you make new contacts. A lot of blogs take contributors or guest posts and sponsored post, so start with what you know and branch out. If you start an education blog, see if you can guest post for other education blogs.
  3. Acquire Other Blogging Skills: To make blogging your hobby and become one of the best bloggers you must  have more than one skills. You can learn how to make  high-quality visuals, an appealing blog layout and design, create high quality content, and other related blogging skills. Developing skills from coding to graphic design to video production can give you a big boost over other blogging candidates too.
2. Know how to Write a Good Blog Post

A successful blogger is a professional digital marketer. If you think that writing a good blog post just means using the right words, you’re mistaken. There are a lot of other factors that contribute to making your blog post a success.

In fact, it’s possible (and even pretty common!) to be a great writer but not so great at blogging.

Being a good writer is tough. But with a little practice and some research, it won’t take you long to join the ranks of other great bloggers.

So let’s check out how you too can come up with a blog post that you have always wanted to create when you started a blog.

  1. Choose a Researchable and Good Topic: The first step towards writing a blog post is to pick a researchable and a good topic.You’ll need to find out what your audience want to know and read about, so your post will continue to get traffic after it’s published.
  2. Do Analytics Research: Once you have your idea, make sure to conduct analytics research on Google page and research your main competitors at this stage to see how you can improve on what’s out there. If you can’t write a high quality post that’s better than theirs, don’t bother! You don’t need to be an expert on the topic, but you do need to do your research to make sure you’re adding value.
  3. Entice Your Reader With Good Opening: If you can entice your readers with a good opening consider half your work to be done. Because if your introduction is boring, people wouldn’t bother to read the rest. Many writers find it easier to write the body of the blog post first, and save writing the intro for last. A good way to write a great introduction is to pose a question addressing the reader’s problem. Then you can tell them how reading your post can help them tackle it. This is a great way to grab your readers’ attention, and they’ll definitely want to read it till the end in the hope of finding the solution.
  4. Use Writing Styles: Don’t overlook the style and tone of your writing. Both these elements can make a big difference. Writing like you’re talking to your reader can make them feel like they’re having a conversation with someone, rather than actually reading a post.
3. Pick the Right Domain Name

Picking the right domain name is one of the most important things you’ll do to starting a successful blogging career. In addition to defining your site, your domain name will communicate important information to both human visitors and search engine bots.

Your domain name is your blog or website’s home address on the Internet. And while it’s not the only thing that affects your site’s success, there are tons of reasons it’s important to choose a domain name carefully:

  • A unique, memorable name is more likely to stick with visitors and encourage them to return.
  • Your domain name can immediately give new visitors (or search engine users) an idea of what your site is all about.
  • Domain names have an impact on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  • Changing your domain name after creating your site can lead to time-consuming complications.

Names have power this is as true for a website as for anything else. Picking the right domain name should therefore be a careful process, and you’ll want to consider all of your options before settling on a winner.

Why is your domain name so important when starting a successful blogging career?

  1. It’s your “first impression”. Your URL is the first thing your visitors will see. A good domain name can make a positive and lasting impression, while a bad domain name can send visitors running.
  2. It affects SEO. While exact match domains (EMDs) are no longer a necessity, keywords in your domain name can still help your SEO ranking.
  3. It defines your brand. We’ll talk about this in a minute – your domain name is a branding opportunity! The right domain name can increase brand recognition.

Your domain name is the key element of your website. It can make or break you, so it’s crucial to choose a domain name that works for your business. These elements are only a few of the many reasons why your domain name is so important.

To choose a domaiin name you need to use the right domain name extensions. e.g. (.com, .org, .net). When you choose your domain name extension, you can be sure of one thing: “.com” is still the best. According to research from Domain Name Stat, 37% of all domains have the “.com” extension.

Well, “.com” is the most familiar and easiest to remember. While there are many successful websites with a “.net” and “.org”, your website will probably do better if it has a “.com” extension.

4. Buy your Domain Name

To setup your own self-hosted blog, you need to buy and register your domain name. This is perhaps the most important step to starting a successful blogging career. It’s so easy these days to register a domain name and set up a blog. All you need is a bit of help and pointers in the right direction. In summary, to start a blog you need to follow these steps:

  1. Register a domain name
  2. Sign up for web hosting
  3. Setup WordPress
  4. Publish your first blog post!

Starting your own blog takes creativity, some technical know-how, and quite a bit of strategic thinking. Here are five steps to take to help you register your domain name

How to buy and register a domain name? A domain name is the name of your website, or what comes after the “www” in a web address. To buy and register a domain name, look for a web hosting company that sells and registers website domains. Many of which typically offer a free domain name for a year with a hosting plan subscription.

You can choose your new domain name before building your website or later on, if you decide to start with a free blog domain. However, it’s a good idea to buy it as soon as you have an official brand or blog name. Example of hosting company is Bluehost. The company is one of the largest hosting company.

5. Choose a Blogging Platform

A blogging platform is a web-based service that allows users to create, manage and publish blog posts. Most blogging platforms also include tools for optimizing your website with metadata, title descriptions and keywords that make it easy for search engines to identify what the page is about.

Many popular blogging platforms offer both free and paid options, including some of the most widely used sites like WordPress, Medium, Weebly and Blogger. There are also website builders like Wix and Squarespace, which require less tech-savviness.

Many blogging platforms already come with pre-made themes that you can customize. A theme typically includes templates, layouts, colors, images and other features you need to format the website and its content.

But your theme affects much more than your page’s looks your blog’s theme can also impact your ranking in search engine results. When choosing a template, do some research first and make sure it’s responsive, loads quickly, is mobile-friendly and works with plugins.

6. Pick the Right Topic

After successfully setting up your own self-hosted blog, the next step to starting a successful blogging career is to start writing blog post. It could be the most frequently cited piece of writing advice: write what you know. This is especially true when it comes to your own blog.

When you’re starting your own site, it’s important to center it around issues that you’re both passionate and knowledgeable about.

This will help you stay motivated to create new content frequently, which will be essential to your blog’s popularity. You’ll also be more likely to create engaging, truly helpful content that readers are likely to share in social media.

Additionally, writing about topics you have established expertise on increases your credibility and authority — which can help you both grow an audience and improve your ranking in search engine results.

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