Skills to Learn while in Lockdown: 19 jobs & skills you can Acquire During Lock-down

Skills to Learn while in Lockdown:  The spread of COVID-19 has forced businesses, institutions and other economic activities into indefinite isolation.  People from all over the world have been forced to stay inside their homes. With so much uncertainty about when you will be able to properly leave the house again, you may find yourself thinking “What am I going to do with myself?!” You may be worrying about the increasing cases of coronavirus worldwide and being thinking whether this would ever be over. Of course we are going to reach that stage of post COVID-19. We hope for our normal lifestyle returns soon.  However, to make yourself more employable during the coronavirus lockdown, you can yourself acquainted with the following skills.

The more skills you develop the easier it will be for you to generate an income. We live in a technological age and there is no going back. For anyone looking to get ahead in their career, mastering certain skills is absolutely necessary.

Skills to Learn while in Lockdown

Skills to Learn while in Lockdown: 19 jobs & skills you can Acquire During Lock-down
  1. Learn Web design

In this lockdown period you can consider to learning web design. Learning the basics in web design is easier than you think. If you study hard you can learn to build a website for clients in WordPress within a few weeks. You don’t even need to become a great designer for this since you can simply use WordPress themes from sites like Woothemes or Themeforest that will look great right from the start. We recommend You Tube for your online learning.

  1. Learn Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is another delicious area to consider during your quarantine. Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.We recommend You Tube.  You can learn digital marketing for free online.

  1. Learn Social Media Marketing

Now that you have enough time chatting on Facebook, why not use it to make money. In fact, keeping their Facebook and Twitter accounts up to date and publishing new and interesting information is a headache for most companies. Taking over their fan pages and Twitter accounts and running Facebook ads is a perfect digital nomad job that requires minimal technical knowledge and can be done from anywhere. Learning this skill in this lockdown is a plus to your income. We advise you use You Tube because all videos on You Tube are free.

  1. Learn Graphic Design

Although, becoming a great graphic designer with in-depth knowledge of Photoshop is not the type of skill you can learn within the matter of weeks. But you can definitely get something done. Graphic design in this shutdown is a good idea. You Tube is a good platform to get you stated online.

  1. Start or Learn Online Teaching

Adopting online teaching is another way you can increase your earning in lockdown. This is an area I know very much about. Although my teaching service is for free and mainly conducted on WhatsApp. All you need to get started is to create a social platform. Obviously, the more qualified you are, the more income you will be able to generate through teaching.

  1. Learn Blogging

Today I made this post you are reading and this is part of my blogging activities. You can learn blogging at the period of lockdown. Making a living by simply running a Blog is not difficult. However, starting a blog and getting exposure for your services, whether you’re specializing in SEO, web design or online teaching, is very helpful. If you need someone to guide you or need online tutor for this you can comment with your email in the email box.

  1. Learn Translation

Learning language translation can be a great source of income for you.  The good thing about translation jobs is that you can live anywhere and  work for agency of client. If you are a bilingual already you can get a freelancer job on translation. Learn more about language translation job here

  1. Learn Copywriting

While staying at home and staying safe you can learn to become a copywriter since you have all the time to do so. Copywriting is not the best-paid job in the world, but if you are good at it you can be earning from $15 and above per hour. You can also specialize in SEO, which will help you to charge even more. Another great thing about copywriting is that you can gain a lot of experience by writing articles for others and getting paid for it, giving you a valuable insight into how other Internet entrepreneurs make their money.

  1. Write a novel

Some people are so creative; all they need is time to jot down their thinking. However, this the time pick up an idea and materialize it.  If you’ve always wanted to write a novel but never found the time or inspiration, this is your chance. Apparently Shakespeare wrote King Lear in isolation during the plague, so maybe this lockdown is when you’ll write your big book of thought.

  1. Learn to Write a play or scripts

Do you already have the skills or you are a beginner in scripts writer? You can go ahead and start writing or learn how to write. Perhaps your work is better realized by actors rather than staying on the stage. BBC is on the hunt for original scripts about self-isolation that they can turn into short films.

  1. Write a song

If you have a musical persuasion, you could channel your current emotions into a song or even an entire album of them.

  1. Learn from latest publications

If you’ve always been fascinated by academia or a specific area within it, this is a great time to read the latest publications and get up to speed on the latest developments with your area. If you are new to academia, you can join and get yourself involved in various publications that can build you more. JSTOR is allowing free access to thousands of journals during lockdown.

  1. Learn a language

Lock-down gives you plenty of time to dedicate to learning a new language, brushing up on vocabulary, and testing out pronunciation.

  1. Learn first aid

It’s good to be prepared for an emergency, especially when urgent care centers are overwhelmed or you may not want to leave self-isolation for a relatively minor injury. Click here to learn free course online.

  1. Improve your communication skills

You can actually improve them while you’re at home to help you smooth over workplace tensions, excel at group work, and add in-demand soft skills to your CV.

  1. Learn photography

Are you a photography fans or you are new to the craft, you can pick up tips, polish existing skills and further your interest with an online photography class. When are you good at it, you can make lots of income from it.

  1. Learn to code

If coding is completely new to you, start with an online class such as Code Academy, which offers free classes and paid monthly memberships from £15.99 where you’ll be set projects, have access to step-by-step guidance by coding experts and peer support from other students. You can also use You Tube.

  1. Learn to do make-up

While there are many makeup schools online to get you started as a beginner or your existing skills, the best place we’d recommend is YouTube. Everything is free and there’s no shortage of experts to watch.

  1. Start an Online Course

With COVID-19 keeping you at home, you now have the time to start learning new career skills by completing free courses online. With so much uncertainty in the world, perhaps now is the time to start learning completely new skills that could benefit your career and of course, give your CV that boost. These are some platform to do that .  .  


  1. Drae
    • School Drillers

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