The Roles of State Examination Commission

With the overcrowding influences of political corruption, one is tended towards asking what are the roles of state examination commission in the midst of the unreliable atmosphere of malpractices and several forms of extortions are peacefully rooting for their own increase and strength.

It is pitiful that the purpose of examination in the education room is fast drifting away, giving way to corruption and the bastardization of the roles and responsibilities of examination commission across state and federal levels. Students cannot even explain the objectives of sitting exams in clear statements. What other reason could this be if not that the commission has regrettably defaulted in the discharge of their duties?!

In education an examination is a test to show the knowledge and ability of a student. A student who takes an examination is a candidate. The person who decides how well the student has performed is the examiner. An examination may be a written test, an on-screen test or a practical test. Examples of a practical test may be: driving a car, speaking a language, playing a musical instrument and doing a scientific experiment. An on-screen test is a test which uses the computer.

If the candidate is successful he will have passed the examination. If he is unsuccessful he will have failed. In some cases it is possible for a student who has failed to take the exam again another time. A student who passes an examination may get a certificate or diploma. Some certificates are professional qualifications, allowing the person to do a particular job, e.g. plumber, teacher, doctor, lawyer.

The Roles of State Examination Commission

The above understanding emphasizes the effectiveness of the proper discharge of duties by the examination commission. Unfortunately, many students do no longer see it this way because instead of what should be, what is has proven in every way the wrong understanding of the roles of this body. So what then are the roles of the state examination commission?

The State Examinations Commission (SEC) does a lot of things, such as:

  • It oversees Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate exams in post-primary school.
  • It is responsible for the development, assessment, accreditation and certification of the State certificate examinations.
  • It works with school authorities and education providers to run examinations and assessments in a fair, accountable and accessible way.
  • It also organizes certain trade and professional examinations.
  • It prepares examination papers and other examination material.
  • It decides how State examinations are conducted and chooses suitable venues to hold exams.
  • It holds an archive of past examination papers on its website.
  • It issues the results of all State examinations.
  • It also holds the records of all State examination results.
  • It decides the procedures for the conduct and supervision of examinations and arranges to have the examinations marked.
  • It decruits contract staff to supervise the examinations and to draft and mark examination components.
  • It takes responsibility for charging and collecting fees for examinations

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