The Role of Environmental Consultant in the Society

Generally, the role of environmental consultant in the society is to identify whether water, air, or land contamination will have an adverse impact on people, habitats, or sources of groundwater, for example. The environmental consultant assesses and interpret available data, paired with local, State and Federal guidelines, and provide solutions based on those findings.

Environmental consultant also play an essential role to combining rigorous scientific knowledge, familiarity with regulatory requirements, and technical expertise to conduct thorough environmental assessments to identify and minimize risks that would result in legal action or fines, ensure compliance with current laws and to preserve health and safety.

As part of it roles, an environmental consultant conducts both field and desk-based research, and prepares detailed scientific reports on their findings and/or recommendations for a variety of clients and projects.

Where can environmental consultant work? Someone with career as an environmental consultants can work for a corporation or government agency, either as a full-time or part-time employee, or as a contractor. Environmental consultant can also work at environmental consulting firms, like private companies, all levels of government, wildlife organizations, and conservation groups or work alone as a consultant.

The Role of Environmental Consultant in the Society

The essential role of environmental consultant in the society is to provide analysis and insight on environmental concerns for public and private industries; property acquisition, development and construction; public works and infrastructure; health compliance and safety regulations; sustainability and energy efficiency; and so much more!

They have extensive knowledge on environmental regulations, and can advise clients in private industry or public government institutions on how to steer clear of possible fines, legal action, or misguided transactions and they advise on such areas as pollution, contaminated land and environmental policy. Some of the role can involve fieldwork, conducting tests and surveys, collating and presenting environmental data and auditing processes for efficiency and environmental impact. The essential role of environmental consultant in the society that can provide insight and expertise on issues include:

1. Property assessments 

Environmental consultant play the role of property assessments for potential contamination concerns in the society. They carried out comprehensive study that identifies environmental impacts of a land development action and analyzes a broad set of parameters including biodiversity, environmental justice, wetlands, air and water pollution, traffic, geotechnical risks, public safety issues and also hazardous substance issues.

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2. Environmental impact assessments

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) assess the significant effects of a project or development on the environment. Environmental impact assessment make sure that project decision makers think about the likely effects on the environment at the earliest possible time and aim to avoid, reduce or offset those effects. Some of the functions include:

  • Air environment – Determination of impact zone (through a screening model) and developing a monitoring network. Monitoring the existing status of ambient air quality within the impacted region (7-10 km from the periphery) of the proposed project site
  • Noise environment – Monitoring the present status of noise levels within the impact zone, and prediction of future noise levels resulting from the proposed project and related activities including increase in vehicular movement.
  • Water environment –  Study of existing ground and surface water resources with respect to quantity and quality within the impact zone of the proposed project. Prediction of impacts on water resources due to the proposed water use/pumping on account of the project.
  • Biological environment –  Survey of flora and fauna clearly delineating season and duration.
  • Land environment – Studies on soil characteristics, existing land use and topography, landscape and drainage patterns within the impact zone.

3. Environmental auditing

Another role of environmental consultant in the society is environmental auditing which is essentially involve environmental management, measuring the effects of certain activities on the environment against set criteria or standards. Depending on the types of standards and the focus of the audit, there are different types of environmental audit. Organizations of all kinds now recognize the importance of environmental matters and accept that their environmental performance will be scrutinized by a wide range of interested parties.

4. Environmental management and remediation solutions

Environmental management and remediation solutions involve the removal of environmental contaminants. The law requires companies or organizations that are guilty of contaminating the environment to rectify this issue.

Environmental management and remediation techniques include excavation, dredging, oxidation, soil vapor extraction, thermal desorption, pump and treat, nano remediation, and more.

Environmental management and remediation specialists examines site to ascertain what contaminants are present. They map the area and sample materials such as soil and groundwater to evaluate the extent of the pollution and how much effort will be required to remove it.

5. Dealing with biological and chemical hazards

Examples of biological hazards include Salmonella, E. coli and Clostridium botulinum. Chemical hazards vary in the aspect of production they are related to. Some potential chemical hazards could be prior to a processor receiving product, such as the improper use of pesticides or antimicrobial residues.

It is the role of environmental consultant to deal with the issues of biological and chemical hazards.

6. Waste management policies

Environmental consultant are also involve in the waste management policy making to minimize waste generation at source and facilitate repair, reuse and recycling over the disposal of wastes, where it is cost effective. They provide clearly defined roles and responsibilities to identify and co-ordinate each activity within the waste management chain.

Other role of environmental consultant in the society include: air, water and soil assessment, regulatory and legislative compliance, sustainability and energy solutions, identifying unknown contaminant sources, human health and safety guidance and many more.

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