Roberto Franceschi Grants 2020/2021 – Application Method.

Roberto Franceschi Grants – Fondazione Roberto Franceschi Onlus offers scholarships for scientific research in the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of social pathologies and forms of social exclusion in 2020.

Roberto Franceschi Grants

For this purpose, each year the Foundation establishes a research funding programme named “Roberto Franceschi”, aimed at students of Master of Science and Phd programmes. For the year 2020 the programme is regulated by the present announcement


The Foundation named after him wants to remember especially his figure and the values that were his own and not only his tragic death by making available the sum of 16,000 Euros (before taxes), which can be assigned to one or more research grants named ” Roberto Franceschi”, awarded each year following the competitive procedure detailed in a specific announcement and aimed at students of Master of Science and PhD programmes offered by Universities in Lombardy, including programmes carried out in agreement with other universities, as well as PhD students of any other Italian or foreign University, provided that they received their Master’s Degree from a University in Lombardy.

Roberto Franceschi Grants Objectives 

Roberto Franceschi Grants programme wishes to address two major weaknesses of the Italian research system: (a) the difficulty for young researchers to carry out independent projects; (b) the lack of attention to the collection of datasets that can be used for scientific purposes.

In addition, this initiative aims at promoting the culture of open access to data for the scientific community.

Roberto Franceschi Grants Eligibility

  • “Roberto Franceschi”, aimed at students of Master of Science and Phd programmes.
  • The competition for the scholarships is open to all students enrolled at the time of application in a Master of Science or PhD programme offered by a University in Lombardy, including programmes carried out in agreement with other universities, or in a PhD programme offered by any Italian or foreign University, provided that applicants received their Master’s Degree from a University in Lombardy.

Worth of Award

  • travel expenses
  • board and lodging expenses during research trips
  • compensation for research assistants/collaborators
  • access to datasets and translations
  • software purchase of supplies needed to carry out the research
  • other expenses

Applicants can ask for any amount of money up to 16,000 Euros (before taxes).
The Scientific Committee will decide whether to fund one or more projects and will
determine the amount allocated to each, assessing the appropriateness of costs.


Applications close December 15, 2020.

How to Apply For Roberto Franceschi Grants

  • All individuals included in the above categories can apply by sending an email to the address by the deadline.
  • The application must include the following attachments:
  • applicant’s curriculum vitae;
  • a motivation letter detailing applicant’s reasons for applying, with reference to their future career plans;
  • a detailed research project describing the current knowledge of the research area investigated, the contribution to the existing literature, the nature of the data to be collected, the intended use of the data, a budget of the foreseen expenses so as to justify the requested amount;
  • a summary of the research project, prepared following the structure of the form attached to this announcement;
  • a reference letter from applicant’s PhD supervisor or Master’s thesis supervisor;
  • signed statement in which the applicant either declares that they are not receiving other research grants or scholarships during the same period in which Fondazione Roberto grant is paid or specifies the type of funding received, its expiration date and the institution providing it.
Apply Here

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