How To Reduce YouTube Data Usage On Your Mobile Device.

Reduce YouTube Data Usage:-  Many love to watch YouTube when they are on the go, but the level of data consumption had crippled
many. Streaming video in high-definition uses much more mobile data than watching in standard quality.
Reduce YouTube Data Usage
The truth is you don’t need to watch Ramsey Noah on 1080p before you understand his movie. Either you watch online or you download
before watch you are still using excess data.
For you to save big money and not waste your savings on data that is the essence of this article, in return you will be contributing to the economy through the movie industry.

How To Reduce YouTube Data Usage On Your Mobile Device

Reduce YouTube data usage and save money”

Take advantage of the “limit mobile data usage” setting inside the app which forces YouTube to only stream HD video when you’re

connected to Wi-Fi. If you’re using cellular data, videos will automatically stream in standard quality, saving you big time on data usage.

Let’s take a step further, if you want to watch YouTube with your own data, but you prefer watching below standard quality and still get

good picture, the steps below will show you how to Reduce YouTube Data Usage on your device :

Step one

Open your YouTube app

Step two

Search and locate the video of your choice

Step three

Click the three dots on the top right of your video and a pop-up will appear. On this pop-up you will see report, quality, caption, playback speed, and help & feedback

Step four –

Click on Quality (you will see a drop-down of different video quality) choose 240p

By following the instruction on this article step by step, you will watch your video without consuming much data and you will save big money.

Why You Need To Watch Video Online And Not Download.

Movie-makers who drop their movie online are just showing it for free, in other words, doing their bit for the society without any financial gain.

They have no share in the data you use to download or watch videos, those gains are only for communication companies like MTN, Airtel, Glo, 9 mobile and the rest.

The little the society can give back to movie-makers who drop their movie on YouTube is by watching their videos online, so that they can gather the little cash from the ads run on their video to make another free movie for you to watch. And by that you will be saving your phone memory.

Remember even if you are to download, the smallest quality you can download is 360p, but you can actually watch on 240p or less. You can save data by watching online not by downloading.

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