Reasons for the continuing state of underdevelopment in Africa

This implies a significant control over the natural and social environment, increase in agricultural production, improvement in the provision of essential services and social infrastructures like schools, roads, dams and the establishment of industries. From this perspective, a society is described as developing as more and more of these facilities and institutions are provided.

It is in an attempt to correct the technical deficit that more emphasis is being laid on the teaching of science based courses than humanity based courses in universities. In Nigeria, as an example, the National Policy on Education stipulates that the ratio of Science to Liberal Arts students in Nigerian universities should be 60:40. In addition, several universities of technology and agriculture have been instituted in a further attempt to rectify the technical deficit in the country. Similar policies have been adopted in other African countries. For instance, in former Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo, the policy of compulsory enrolment and preferential treatment for students in the physical and natural sciences was adopted.

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