The Real Life Examples of Social Capital.

When we form friendship groups through knowing a friend of a friend, or having a conversation with the person sitting next to you on the train, or just being nice and polite to neighbors, and making acquaintances through daily social interactions, we tend to be configuring some of the real life examples of social capital.

Social capital is the development of relationships that help contribute to a more efficient production of goods and services. It also refers to the links and bonds formed through friendships and acquaintances with the sole aim of thriving together when they get work done more effectively and more efficiently.

To put it another way, social capital is the social ties that we develop throughout our lives–whether it is knowing the right person to contact in finance to get an invoice through or the right teacher who can help with coursework. Social capital is created through true bonding, bridging, and linking differences.

The truth should however not be undermined about the possibility that social capital can make or break businesses and investments if differences are not bridged with a bond that looks beyond them. But when these differences are not seen (as often not seen by smart business people who see human relationships as some needed capital), social capital can help one’s firm experience superior managerial performance, efficiency supply chains, mergers, and acquisitions, as well as the improved performance of diverse groups. It can also effect some real developments by providing access to social resources and human capital, in the form of skills, expertise, knowledge, or information.

The Real Life Examples of Social Capital.

Some of the real life examples of social capital are outlined below. By these examples, we mean any of these life examples of social capital could be platforms on which you can get just the right connections and, then be able to socialize with the circles.

  • Neighborhood

One of the real life examples of social capital is always found in the neighborhood where it is easy to open up to each other just because of the shared location. This of course could be a real good connection for growth. Having social capital with neighbors can prove fruitful. Perhaps you run out of milk or sugar. So instead of having to go to the shop, your neighbor may be willing to give you some.

Alternatively, they may look after pets or children during vacation periods or emergencies. At the same time, this is economically beneficial. A trip to the store is no longer required thereby saving the cost of time and fuel – nor would the cost of child or pet care be required.

  • Sport Events

The fact that you are in support of some certain football team or club of any sort at all does not mean one cannot make good connection with people on the other side. In fact, it is with sport that true friendships come to be. Quite a lot of people have found job opportunities and every other ones for simply following up a constructive arguments over some games or matches of some kind. This too is one of the real life examples of social capital.

  • Education/Knowledge/Skills

A very reliable sample of the real life examples of social capital is the transference of knowledge, or engagements in scholarly discourse, or participation in some academic events. Schools or any academic events at all can be a very reliable means to strike connections with great minds who will at the end of the day be of a magnanimous assistance.

Another angle is that, you or someone else may have experienced a similar issue before and are able to identify the fix. So if you happen to proffer this solution by sharing knowledge, you may from thence given yourself a lifetime benefits of friendship. This type of connection will also patronize you when they know how much knowledgeable you have proven to be over the time.

  • Shared Identity

When two individuals share an identity, whether it’s where they come from, religion, or hobbies. These can connect them and create a bond that can act as a form of social capital. For example, we are more likely to help another that we feel are similar to us. This is also one of the real life examples of social capital which is prominent.

  • Business Patronage

Let’s say you are used to ordering things from or patronizing a particular business at the same place every time. Seeing the same delivery person or receptionist or manager each time you order or visit the place is an ordinarily simple ways to get along and so get to have their contacts from which a great advantageous friendship is built.

From this real life example of social capital that is formed, you may also get some extras or a discount. At the same time, the client may be more willing to provide the agent with a tip.

  • Golf Clubs

An example is given about golf clubs as one of the real life examples of social capital. Often, business people go out onto the golf course as a way of networking, facilitating business, and cementing social ties. The issue with golf however is that it is a rather expensive sport, with strict entry requirements in some cases. In turn, it has become known as a luxury sport that only the rich can play-acting as a socializing ground for that socioeconomic group.

  • Shared Faith

People love to assist people who belong to the same faith circle as them. You can make good connections in Mosque and Church, because you share the same faith with them.

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