Frequently Asked Questions and Answer on COVID-19 in Nigeria.

Questions and Answer on COVID-19

Should I travel to another state where there is no case of COVID-19 to stay safe?

No. There is a higher risk of spreading COVID-19 through movement and inter-state travel. We advise that you stay at home and avoid all non-essential movement and travel.

What do I do if I cannot get through to NCDC via their numbers?

We are currently receiving a high volume of calls which unfortunately means that you may not be able to reach us easily through our toll-free number. Alternatively, you may contact us via;

SMS: 08099555577

WhatsApp: 07087110839

Twitter/Facebook: @NCDCgov


 Questions and Answer on COVID-19
What should I do when I return to Nigeria from a country with a confirmed case(s) of COVID-19?
All return travellers to Nigeria in the last 14 days must self-isolate by staying indoors and avoiding contact with other people. Please follow this advice even if you do not have symptoms of the virus. If you develop symptoms during this time, immediately contact NCDC on 07032864444 or 080097000010 (toll-free)

Am I at risk of catching COVID-19 from a package or products that arrive from countries with a confirmed case(s)?
Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods or packages countries with confirmed case(s). Till date, there is no known case of COVID-19 in Nigeria associated with imported goods.

What should I do if am pregnant?

Currently, there is no evidence that pregnant women are at higher risk of infection or complications from COVID-19. However, due to changes that may occur during pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to stay at home and adhere strictly to social distancing measures at all times.

Pregnant women are advised to always practice hand and respiratory hygiene to reduce the risk of getting infected with COVID-19 and are advised to call their health facility for more information regarding ante-natal care provision.

Should I stop my children from going to school?
Yes. The Federal Government and States Governments, at all levels, are taking proactive measures to shut down schools and large gatherings for an initial period of time. They will be monitoring and enforcing compliance.
-Questions and Answer on COVID-19

Is there anything a person can do to avoid becoming infected?
To reduce the risk of infection or spread of COVID-19, members of the public are advised to adhere to the following hand and respiratory hygiene measures:

    1. •  Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitiser if no water and soap is available
    2. •  Use of no-touch greetings
    3. •  Maintain at least 2 metres (5 feet) physical distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
    4. •  Stay home if you feel unwell with symptoms like fever, cough and difficulty in breathing. Immediately call NCDC’s 24/7 toll-free number 0800 970 000 0010. Do not self-medicate
    5. •  Persons with a persistent cough or sneezing, should also stay at home until they recover
    6. •  Obey national and state directives requesting the cancellation and avoidance of large gatherings, including places of worship, social and sporting events
    7. •  Avoid crowded spaces such as open markets, crowded supermarkets and pharmacies

What can businesses do to protect their staff?
Some States have directed the closure of non-essential businesses. For States where this has not been implemented or for essential businesses that will stay open, they have an important role to play in protecting their employees. In line with the directive, employers are advised to circulate NCDC’s public health advisory on COVID-19 to all staff. Encourage sick employees to stay at home if they are unwell. Ensure routine cleaning of high contact areas such as toilets, door handles, telephones. If staff have travelled to any country outside Nigeria in the last 14 days, they must self-isolate for 14 days by staying indoors and avoiding contact with other people.

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