OAU Available Postgraduate Programmes And Tuition Fee

In this article we would discuss about Obafemi Awolowo University available postgraduate programmes and tuition fee.  Postgraduate education at Obafemi Awolowo University is administered by the Postgraduate College in accordance with academic policies established by the University’s senate and the Postgraduate College Board, a standing committee of Senate.  For the applicants who are inspiring to put in for  the postgraduate school at Obafemi Awolowo University, here are the available courses and tuition fee. Check the table below:


Dept of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning –
₦15,000M.A (Adult Education)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Adult Education)
Dept of African Institute For Science Policy And Innovation (AISPI) – 2019/2020 Harmattan
₦20,000M.Tech. (Technology Management)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Technology Management)
₦15,000Ph.D (Technology Management)
Dept of African Languages & Literature –
Dept of Agric. Ext. & Rural Sociology –
₦15,000M.Sc. (Agricultural Communication)
Dept of Agricultural Economics –
Dept of Agricultural Engineering –
Dept of Anatomy –
Dept of Animal Science –
Dept of Architecture –
Dept of Arts and Social Science Education –
₦20,000M.Ed. Curriculum Studies (Arts Option)
₦15,000M.A .Ed. (Religious Studies)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (English)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Fine and Applied Arts)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (French)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (History)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Music)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Social Studies)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Yoruba)
₦15,000M.A.Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
₦15,000M.A.Ed. (Language Arts)
₦15,000M.Sc. Ed. (Economics)
₦15,000M.Sc. Ed. (Geography)
₦15,000M.Sc. Ed. (Political Science)
₦15,000M. Phil. Ed. (Curriculum studies)
₦15,000M. Phil. Ed. (Social Science Education)
₦15,000M. Phil. Ed. (Social Studies)
₦15,000M.Phil (Language Education)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Language Education)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Social Science Education)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Social Studies)
₦15,000Ph.D. Ed. Curriculum Studies (Arts Option)
Dept of Biochemistry –
₦15,000M. Phil.
Dept of Botany –
Dept of Building –
₦15,000M.Sc. in Building Maintenance
₦15,000M.Sc. in Building Services
₦15,000M.Sc. in Building Structures
₦15,000M.Sc. in Construction Management
₦15,000M.Phil. in Building Maintenance
₦15,000M.Phil. in Building Services
₦15,000M.Phil. in Building Structures
₦15,000M.Phil. in Construction Management
₦15,000Ph.D. in Building Maintenance
₦15,000Ph.D. in Building Services
₦15,000Ph.D. in Building Structures
₦15,000Ph.D. in Construction Management
Centre for Gender and Social Policy Studies –
₦15,000PGD (Gender and Development)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Gender and Development)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Gender and Development)
Centre for Industrial Research & Dev. –
₦15,000PGD (Entrepreneurship Development)
Dept of Chemical Engineering –
Dept of Chemical Pathology –
Dept of Chemistry –
₦15,000M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Chemistry)
₦15,000M.Phil (Applied Chemistry)
₦15,000M.Phil (Chemistry)
₦15,000Ph.D (Applied Chemistry)
₦15,000Ph.D (Chemistry)
Dept of Civil Engineering –
Dept of Community Health –
₦15,000Masters of Public Health(MPH)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Public Health)
₦15,000PhD. (Public Health)
Dept of Computer Science
₦15,000PGD (Computer Science)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Computer Engineering)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Computer Science)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Information Systems)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Intelligent Systems Engineering)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Software Engineering)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Computer Engineering)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Computer Science)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Information Systems)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Intelligent Systems Engineering)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Software Engineering)
₦15,000Ph.D (Computer Science)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Computer Engineering)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Information Systems)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Intelligent Systems Engineering)
₦15,000Ph.D. (Software Engineering)
Dept of Crop Production and Protection –
Dept of Demography & Social Statistics
₦15,000Masters in Demography and Social Statistics
₦15,000M.Phil (Demography and Social Statistics)
Dept of Dramatic Arts –
₦15,000PGD (Dramatic Art)
Dept of Drug Research & Production Unit –
₦15,000PGD (Phytomedicines)
₦15,000M.Sc. (Phytomedicines)
Dept of Economics –
₦15,000PGD (Economics)
₦15,000M.Phil (Economics)
Dept of Educational Foundations and Counselling –
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (History of Education)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Sociology of Education)
₦15,000M.A. Ed. (Test and Measurement )
₦15,000M.Phil. (Guidance and Counselling)
₦15,000M.Phil. (History of Education)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Philosophy of Education)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Psychology of Education)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Sociology of Education)
₦15,000M.Phil. (Test and Measurement )
Dept of Educational Management
₦20,000M.Ed (Educational Planning)
₦20,000M.Ed (Educational Administration)
₦20,000M.Ed (Higher Educational Administration)
₦15,000M.A. Education (Educational Administration)
₦15,000M.A. Education (Higher Educational Administration)
₦15,000M.A.Education (Educational Planning)
₦15,000M.Phil. Economics of Education
₦15,000M.Phil. Educational Administration
₦15,000M.Phil. Educational Planning
₦15,000M.Phil. Higher Educational Administration
₦15,000M.Phil. Human Resource Management in Education
₦15,000Management Information System in Education
₦15,000Ph.D. Economics of Education
₦15,000Ph.D. Education (Educational Administration)
₦15,000Ph.D. Education (Educational Planning)
₦15,000Ph.D. Education (Higher Educational Administration)
₦15,000Ph.D. Human Resources Management in Education



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