List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

List of popular non-governmental organizations in the world is inexhaustible. The world is a community of people as well as of animals and other living and non-living organisms which are deemed by a certain group of enlightened minds to be constantly in need of certain rights. Some of these rights are fundamentally derived while others are adopted by laws. However, these rights are set of principles that must be respected in order to give the liberty or freedom to live life to the fullest without disrupting the definition of a what a community should be.

Non-Government organizations, popularly known as NGOs, are purposely created to infuse into the world the enlightenments that oblige every man to be another man’s keeper, with the consciousness that such should be done mutually. Also the consciousness that there are people that are helplessly existing and thus, are in need of help that they may get to have that sense of belonging in a society that is supposed to be a community. This one function is what the NGOs stand for.

As a result of the aforementioned fact, many organizations and groups of professionals have stood up to the feat. They are established with the sole aim of changing lives around them by creating the needed awareness and soliciting for the helping hands in order to place the support on the table of those who truly need it.

List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

Here are the list of popular non-governments organizations in the world that you can actually consider as not only reliable but also that they are reputable all across borders of the world. While each of them is driven by different visions and values, their only dream is to effect that noticeable change in the world so as to establish equality and equity. Check out the long list of popular non-governments organizations in the world right now:

  • Abilities
  • ABILITY Awareness
  • Ability Foundation
  • AbleThrive
  • AboutFace Craniofacial Family Society (Known as AboutFace)
  • ABRAR (Sudan)
  • Accessibility Organization for Afghanistan Disabled (AOAD)
  • Access Bangladesh Foundation
  • Access Exchange International (AEI)
  • Access Israel
  • Action for Mental Illness (ACMI)
  • Action on Disability and Development
  • Action on Disability Rights and Development (ADRAD)
  • Admiral Family Circle Islamic Community, Inc.
  • African Disability Forum (ADF)
  • Africa Disability Alliance (ADA) (formerly known as Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities)
  • AIDS-Free World
  • Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell)
  • A Leg to Stand On, Inc. (ALTSO)
  • Alhassan Foundation for Differently Abled Inclusion
  • Al Manarah – Association for Arab Persons with Disabilities
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
  • Amicale Marocaine des Hanicapes
  • Arab Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (AFRPD)
  • Arab Organization of Disabled People
  • Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland (ASB)
  • ARCH Disability Law Centre
  • Asabe Shehu Yar’Adua Foundation (ASYARF)
  • Asia Pacific Disability Forum
  • Association for Disabled People (ADP)
  • Association of Disabled People of Uzbekistan
  • Association of Disabled Women and Mothers of Disabled Children
  • Association of Parents, Friends and People with Disabilities of the Brazil Bank
  • Association of parents and friends of special children in São Paulo (APAE)
  • Association of University Centers on Disabilities (United States of America)
  • Association of Women with Disabilities (ENGKAD)
  • Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children, ASDC
  • Atlas Alliance, The
  • Attiva – Mente
  • Australian Disability and Development Consortium
  • Australian Federation of Disability Organizations (AFDO)
  • Australian Federation of Disability Organization
  • Austrian Association Supporting the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Autisme Europe
  • Bangladesh Disabled Development Trust
  • Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha (BPUS)
  • Barbados Council for the Disabled (BCD)
  • Beit Issie Shapiro
  • Belgian Disability Forum (ASBL)
  • Benemérito Comité Pro Ciegos y Sordos de Guatemala (Meritorious Committee for the Blind and Deaf of Guatemala)
  • Benetech
  • Best Buddies of Mexico
  • Bizchut, the Israel Human Rights Centre for People with Disabilities
  • Booker Autism Foundation (BAFOL)
  • Brazilian Academy of Neurology
  • Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) of Syracuse University
  • Cambodian Disabled Peoples Organisation (CDPO)
  • Campus Arnau d’Escala
  • Canadian Association for Community Living
  • Canadian Association of the Deaf-Association des Sourds du Canada (CAD-ASC)
  • Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance
  • Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
  • Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation (CWGHR)
  • CBM
  • CBR Global Network
  • CBM Global Disability Inclusion Vereniging (CBM Global)
  • CCS Disability Action Incorporated
  • Center for Advocacy, Learning and Livelihood Foundation of the Blind (CALL)
  • Center for Inclusive Policy (CIP)
  • Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities, Kathmandu
  • Center for International Rehabilitation
  • Center for International Stabilization and Recovery
  • Center for Independent Living
  • Center for the Study of Sport and Society
  • Central Council of Disabled Persons
  • Centre de Recherches et de Promotion pour la Sauvegardge des Sites
  • Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD)
  • Centre for Disability in Development
  • Centre for Disability Studies, University of the West Indies
  • Centre for Independent Living of People with Disability of Serbia
  • Centre for Legal Assistance for People with Disabilities
  • Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  • Centre for the Education and Development of Mauritian Children
  • Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed (CRP)
  • Centro de Estudios y Formacion Integral de la Mujer
  • Cerebral Palsy Foundation (CPF)
  • Cerebral Palsy Nigeria
  • Charitable society for disabled people “Stimul”
  • Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA)
    Child Concern
  • Children’s Rights Alliance for England
  • Christian Children’s Fun
  • Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation (CDRF)
  • Collective (Morocco)
  • Colombian Centre for Integrated Rehabilitation (CIREC)
  • Commitments (India)
  • Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum
  • Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations
  • Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization Communications
  • Community Options, Inc.
  • Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation
  • Confederación Plena inclusión España
  • Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual, A.C. (CONFE)
  • Congo Handicap RDC
  • Consiglio Nazionale sulla Disabilità
  • Consortium CHACDD
  • Consortium of Disability Organizations (CODO)
  • Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies
  • Corporación Ciudadanía Real de Sordos de Chile
  • Council for Canadians with Disabilities (CDD)
  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • Data-Pop Alliance
  • Dementia Alliance International (DAI)
  • Design Bangladesh
  • Development and Ability Organization (formerly Afghan Disabled Union)
  • Disability Action, Ireland
  • Disability Australia Ltd.
  • Disability Federation of Ireland
  • Disability Inclusive Development Programs and Services (DIDEPAS)
  • Disability Organizations Joint Front (DOJF) Sri Lanka
    Disability Law and Policy Program, Syracuse University College of Law/ Syracuse University
  • Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF)
  • Disability Rights Fund (DRF)
  • Disability Rights Movement (DRIM)
  • Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI)
  • Disabled Peoples’ International – Europe (DPI‐E)
  • Disabled Peoples’ International Korea
  • Disabled People’s Rehabilitation and Employment Union of Georgia
  • Disabled Peoples Organizations Denmark
  • Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI)
  • Disabled Persons Assembly NZ
  • Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association
  • Disabled Women’s Network Canada (DAWN Canada)
  • Discovering Deaf Worlds, Inc.
  • Dominica Association of Persons with Disabilities, Inc.
  • Down Syndrome Albania Foundation

List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

  • Down Syndrome Australia
  • Down Syndrome Society of Kenya
  • Draktsho Vocational Training Centre for Special Children and Youth
  • Dream for Disability Foundation
  • East Eagle Foundation (EEF)
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
  • Entire Power in Social Action (EPSA)
  • Empowerment Through Integration (ETI)
  • Enosh – The Israeli Mental Health Association
  • Entire Power In Social Action – EPSA Nepal
  • Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong
  • Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities International (ERPDI)
  • Equally Unique
  • Essl Foundation
  • European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)
  • European Centre for Law and Justice
  • European Disability Forum
  • European League of Stuttering Associations (ELSA)
  • European Women’s Lobby
  • Face Equality International
  • Family Research Council
  • Federação Brasileira das Associações de Síndrome de Down (FBASD) (Brazilian Federation of Down Syndrome Associations)
  • Federação Nacional das Apaes (National Federation of Parents and Friends of People with Intellectual Disabilities Associations of Brazil)
  • Fédération Guinéene pour la Promotion des Associations des Personnes Handicapées (FEGUIPAH)
  • Fédération guinéenne des associations de personnes handicapées
  • Federation of and for People with Disabilities
  • Federation of Ethiopian National Associations of Persons with disabilities (FENAPD)
  • Fédération togolaise des personnes handicapées
  • Fight For Rights
  • Fight the Stroke
  • FIU Embrace | Center for Advancing Inclusive Communities
  • Fondation Telethon
  • Fondo Teleton de Apoyo a Instituciones
  • Fordham Research Consortium on Disability

List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

  • Franiscans International
  • Franklin & Eleasnor Roosevelt Institute
  • Friends of Peace and Development Organization
  • Fundación Descúbreme (Discover Me Foundation)
  • Fundación Dime, A.C. (Dime Foundation)
  • Fundacion Teleton
  • G3ict – Global Initiative for Inclusive Technologies
  • Gambia Future Hands on Disabled People
  • Gedaraf Digital City Organization
  • Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas Dan Lepra Indonesia (GPDLI)
  • Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations
  • Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environment (GAATES)
  • Global Deaf Connection
  • Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDI Hub)
  • Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD)
  • GlobalPartnersUnited
  • HalfthePlanet Foundation
  • Handicap International
  • Harmony of the World
  • Harvard Law School Project on Disability (HPOD)
  • Help Me See, Inc
  • Hong Kong Council of Social Service
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Humanitarian Organization for Poverty Eradication
  • Idea Center (United States)
  • IFENDU for Women’s Development (IFENDU)
  • Impact Foundation Bangladesh
  • Inclusion InternationalInstituto ser educacional (Educational Institute)
  • Inter-American Institute on Disability
  • International Center for Autism Research and Education (Icare4Autism)
  • International Council For Caring Communities, Inc
  • International Disability Alliance
  • International Disability and Development Consortium
  • International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
  • International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
  • International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA)
  • International Federation of Hard of Hearing People
  • International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM)
  • International Paralympic Committee
  • International Right to Life Federation
  • International Save the Children Alliance
  • International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM)
  • International Stuttering Association
  • International Voluntary Organization for Women, Education and Development (IVOWD)
  • International Organization for Standardization

List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

  • Iraqi Handicapped and Survivors Society
  • IUS Gentium Conimbrigae Institute-Human Rights Centre
  • Japan Disability Forum
  • Jesh Foundation
  • Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD Nigeria)
  • Jubilee Sailing Trust
  • Junior Chamber International Nigeria
  • Kéroul
  • Keystone Human Services International
    Kids Brain Health Network
  • Korea Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities
  • Korean Differently Abled Federation (KODAF)
  • Korea Differently Abled Women United
  • Korean Disability Forum
  • Korea Disability Law Association (KDLA)
  • Korea Employment Security Association for the Disabled
  • Korea Federation of Organizations of the Disabled
  • Korean Network for Accessible Tourism
  • Korean Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
  • Korea Spinal Cord Injury Association
  • Koshish: National Mental Health Self-help Organisation
  • Kpakpando Foundation for Physically Challenged Persons
  • Kuwaiti Society for Guardians of the Disabled
  • Lakeshore Foundation
  • Landmine Survivors Network
  • Latin American Blind Union
  • Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS)
  • Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union
  • Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped
  • Leonard Cheshire International
  • Lesotho National League of the Visually Impaired Persons (LNLVIP)
  • Life Vanguards
  • Lift Up Care for the Needy Foundation (LCNF)
  • Light for the World
  • Little People of Kosova
  • LOTOS Disability Awareness and Learning Center (Azerbaijan)
  • Lumos Foundation
  • March of Dimes Canada
  • Manasa (India)
  • Markaz‐e‐Umeed for Special Needs Children ‐ Pakistan
  • McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism
  • Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (Hungary)
  • Mental Disability Rights International
  • Mental Health Europe / Sante Mentale Europe

List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

  • Mine and Weapon Victims Association
  • Mine Combat Organization
  • Mobile Theatre Cultural Society
  • Muscle Disabilities Association of Korea
  • National Association of Disabled People of Angola (ANDA)
  • National Centre for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD)
  • National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled People
  • National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities Inc. St. Lucia
  • National Federation of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities of Honduras
  • National Disability & Development Forum
  • National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
  • National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled (NFOWD)
  • National Grassroots Disability Organization (NGDO-Bangladesh)
  • National Rehabilitation and Deveopment Center (NRDC)
  • National Union of Organizations of the Disabled (NUOD) Liberia
  • National Union of People with Disabilities of Tajikistan
  • Neighbour Organization (NEO)
  • Neil Squire Society
  • Nepal Disabled Human Rights Center (DHRC Nepal)
  • Nepal Disabled Women Association
  • Nepal National Federation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NFDH)
  • Nepal Association of the Blind
  • Network Forum for Women with Disability
  • Network of Accessible Environments for All (NAEA)
  • Network of Organizations Working with People with Disabilities, Pakistan (NOWPDP)
  • New South Wales Consumer Advisory Group ‐Mental Health Inc.
  • New South Wales Council for Intellectual Disability
  • New World Hope Organization
  • Noor Fatima Welfare Trust
  • Northeastern University, Center for the Study of Sport in Society
  • Nurses Across the Borders
  • One Billion Strong (OBS)
  • Orange Penguin Foundation

List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

  • Organisation Constellee Pour le Developpement Economique et Social de la Communedes des Gonaives (OCDESCG)
  • Organisation sociale pour la protection des personnes handicapées d’Haïti (OSOPPHAH)
  • Pakistan Community Peace Foundation (PCPF)
  • Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Strategies
  • Passionists International
  • Pax Christi International, International Catholic Peace Movement
  • Peace and Tolerance International Organization
  • People First of Canada
  • People Who
  • People with Disabilities in Ireland
  • People with Disabilities Uganda
  • People with Disability Australia Incorporated (PWDA)
  • Perkins School for the Blind
  • Persons With Pain International
  • Physically-challenged Development Foundation (PDF)
  • Pineda Foundation for Youth (formerly Victor Pineda Foundation)
  • Planwell Group Organization
  • Polio Plus — Movement Against Disability
  • Potohar Mental Health Association (PMHA)
  • Pro Infirmis
  • Progetto Filippide (Philippine Project)
  • Projet de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire des Aveugles et Autres Personnes Handicapées du Niger
  • Psychological Center for Research
  • Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia
  • PUGU Poverty Alleviation and Development Agency (PPADA)
  • Reclaiming Our Future Alliance International Committee (ROFA IC)
  • Red de Asistencia Legal y Social (RALS)
  • Rehabilitation International
  • Réseau des Associations des Personnes Handicapées (RAPHB)
  • Réseau Guinéen des Organisations des Personnes Handicapées pour la Promotion de la CIDPH (ROPACIDPH)
  • Red Empleo Con Apoyo / RECA Colombia
  • Research Institute of the Differently Abled Person’s Right in Korea (RIDRIK)
  • RIOinclui (OSCRJ)
  • Royal College of Speech and Language Therapist (UK)
  • Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind (Sightsavers)
  • Ryan Martin Foundation
  • San Marino Paralympic Committee
  • Save The Children
  • Scope
  • Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities (South Africa)
  • Sense International
  • Seocho Centre for Independent Living
  • Setu Development Intervention Centre (SETU)
  • Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre
  • She Writes Woman Mental Health Initiative
  • Sierra Leone Campus Civitian International
  • Society for Mental Health Care
  • Society of Catholic Social Scientist, Inc.
  • Solar Cookers International
  • Somaliland National Disability Forum (SNDF)
  • SOS Education
  • SourceAmerica
  • Special Abilities Development Association (SADA)
  • Special Needs Initiative for Growth
  • SPOON Foundation
  • Statute of Mine Combat Organization
  • Sudan Association for Combating Landmines
  • Support Coalition International
  • Swedish Disability Federation
  • Tangata Group
  • Thailand Association for the Blind
  • The Albino Foundation (TAF)
  • The Cambodia Trust
  • The Donald Beasley Institute Incorporated
    The Family Resource Network Inc.
  • The Hong Kong Council of Social Services
  • The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities, Bizchut
  • The Lucy Foundation
  • The National Society for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities and their Families (RESCARE)
  • The National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom (NFBUK)
  • The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
  • The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited
  • Threshold Association
  • Tunisian Association for the Promotion of Employment for the Handicapped
  • Tunisian Organization for Defending the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (OTDDPH)
  • Turkey Education and Solidarity Foundation for People with Disabilities
  • UCP Wheels for Humanity
  • Union des personnes handicapées du Burundi
  • Union Internationale des Avocats- International Union of Lawyers
  • Union of the Deaf Bulgaria
  • Union of Disabled People’s Organizations (UDPO)
  • United Disabled Persons of Kenya (UDPK)
  • United Kingdom Disabled People’s Council (formerly British Council of Disabled People)
  • United States Burn Support Organization
  • USC Center for International Studies (CIS)
  • Venture House
  • Ver Foundation
  • Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation
  • Vision for the Blind Sierra Leone
  • Voice of Specially Abled People Inc.
  • Wheelchairs of Hope (Israel)
  • Women Enabled International
  • Women Striving for Brighter Tomorrow (WSBT)
  • Women with Disabilities Arts and Cultural Network
  • Women’s Refugee Commission
  • World Blind Union
  • World Disability Foundation
  • World Federalist National Association of Nepal

List of Popular Non-Governmental Organizations in the World.

  • World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
  • World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB)
  • World Future Council Foundation
  • World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
  • World of Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
  • World Policy Analysis Center
  • World Union for Progressive Judiasm
  • World Youth Alliance
  • Worldwide Organization for Women
  • Yad Sarah
  • Young Adult Institute (YAI), Inc.

You see that the list of popular non-governments organizations in the world is very inexhaustible. They are all on the United Nations Organization’s platforms as accredited and known.

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