The Political Structure of the Zambia

Historically,  Zambia experienced many stages from colonization to independence from Britain on October 24 1964. During this time Zambia was Northern Rhodesia.  The Northern Rhodesia became a British sphere of influence in the present day region of Zambia in 1888, and was officially proclaimed a British protectorate in 1924.

Like other African leaders, Kaunda faced many complex postindependence problems, especially the issue of tribalism. He succeeded in continuing to negotiate on this issue, saving Zambia the trauma of tribal civil war. Nevertheless, interparty political violence occurred during the elections of 1968, in which Kaunda and his party were returned to power.

The Political Structure of the Zambia

The political structure of the Zambia is an organized unitary political structure​. Zambia is a unitary state with two levels of government: national and local.

The political structure of the Zambia takes place in a scheme of  presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the president of Zambia is head of state, head of government and leader of a multi-party system.

The government exercises executive power, while legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament. Zambia became a republic immediately upon attaining independence since October 1964.

Like every other society that has an organized political structure. The political structure of the Zambia include; political parties or political organization, also political organisation that involves itself in the political parties ,non government organisations, advocacy groups for special interest group.

Zambia, which is located in the southern of the African continent has 10 administrative provinces and formally with 72 administrative districts. Until 2013, the number districts was increased to 105 with new districts added. And each province has limited powers, it has regional administrations. In 2011, some districts in the Northern and Eastern provinces were united to form the Muchinga region, thus increasing the number of provinces in the country to 10

Each the 10 province the country is headed by a minister appointed by the President and there are ministries of central government for each province. The administrative head of each province is the Permanent Secretary, appointed by the President. There are Deputy Permanent Secretary, heads of government departments and civil servants at the provincial level.

Each of the 105 districts in the 10 provinces has a council which is headed by an elected representative, called councilor. Each councilor holds office for five years. Each council is responsible for raising and collecting local taxes and the budgets of the council are audited and submitted every year after the annual budget.

The Zambia ten administrative provinces include; Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, North-Western, Northern, Southern and Western.

Lusaka Province is the most popular among the ten provinces of Zambia. Lusaka is the capital city of Zambia, which is also the national capital. It is the smallest province in Zambia, with an area of 21,896 kmbut very popular.

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