How to Overcome Job Search Anxiety and Stress

Looking for a new job can be fun and exciting, but it’s not uncommon to have some job search anxiety and stress.

It’s important to know the difference between the frustration and nerves that happen during any job search and the anxiety that can impact your mental health.

No matter your job search scenario, you can overcome job search anxiety and stress and find your path to success by following a few suggestions. Here’s how to overcome job search anxiety and stress:

How to Overcome Job Search Anxiety and Stress

To subdue anxiety, depression, and stress of job search, follow these few steps:

1. Positive attitude

Staying positive is an important way to overcome job search anxiety and stress. Positivity will inspire the spirit of continuity. It is a driving force for motivation. No feedback or regrets is demoralizing, especially if you have high hopes that you will get that job. Consider working as a volunteer in companies to acquire experience.

2. Follow a routine

When you have a full-time (or even part-time) job, you’re expected to stick to a schedule. That can be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., or something else. The point is, you stick to those hours.

When it comes to searching for a new job, treat that as your job. This means working for a set number of hours, taking regular breaks, and clocking out at the end of the day.

The issue many job seekers face during the job hunt is that it bleeds into their everyday lives. Just as it’s important to have work/life balance, it’s key that you follow a routine that allows you to disconnect.

This will ensure you have time to nurture yourself outside of “work” through socializing, hobbies, and more.

3. Fit in small wins in your schedule

When you’re looking for a job, you’re not just looking. You’re sending emails, researching companies and hiring managers, reaching out to your network, making new connections, and more.

It can be overwhelming and that can translate into anxiety.

As you tackle your tasks throughout the day, fit in some wins that will keep you motivated is one of the way to overcome job search anxiety and stress.

4. Tailor your resume and cover letter

Using the same application letter and resume to apply for different jobs may be one of the reasons why you are not shortlisted for an interview. Tailor your cover letter and resume that align with the job description.

Most companies nowadays use the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The majority of job applicants are cut out by the system because the resume and cover letter format do not fit the job description.

Remember you are not the only person applying for that job.

5. Carry out research on the companies you’ve interest

Research more on those companies you intend to work for. Know about their culture, employees, ethics, governance, values, and vision. Apply for these companies by dropping your resume either online or physically.

6. Accept any job

As a job seeker, you need to come out of your comfort zone. Accept any job, whether it is in line with your profession or not. The salary may be peanut, don’t worry that’s the path of almost every job seeker.

Remember ‘the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Be patient when searching and applying for jobs. Most employers keep records of your resume for future job opportunities. While other employers take 6 months to 1 year to shortlist the candidates.

7. Accept negative feedback

As said earlier, you are not the only one applying for that job. There are other candidates with more experience, skills, and higher education.

If you receive negative or regretful emails from a job you previously applied for, don’t be discouraged. This is an achievement; it doesn’t mean that you are not qualified for the job. It simply means there is a better candidate than you. Either you don’t fit the job requirement. That is not the end of the road, keep on applying.

Try to apply for the jobs that require your skills and experience. Assume you are a fresh graduate/entry-level and you are applying for jobs with the requirement of more than 5 years of experience. What do you expect?

8. Call yourself for a meeting

Yes, it is a tiresome and very hard process to search and apply for jobs. Especially when you’re not receiving any email from all the jobs applied. Frustration and depression will soon take over your life. What you need is to talk to inner you and create a positive mind. Everything will fall into its right place in due time.

There is always time for everything in this world. If you’ve attended interviews and nothing positive is coming out of it, never be discouraged. Interviews are part of gaining experience. Talk positively about your future.

9. Make job search a hobby

Like any other day-to-day activity in your life, the job search is also one of them. Put a reminder that a day will not pass without applying for at least two jobs. Always be strong and positive that something will come out of the applications.

10. Networking/ Connection

Finally, have a cycle of great friends who can communicate whenever there is a job opportunity in their companies. The same people can recommend you to their other friends if there is a vacant position in their workplace.

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