Online Language Translation Job: 8 Ways to Earn Money with Your Language Skills.

Online Language Translation Job is just like any other profession in that there are many ways to approach it. Once you start thinking that there is only one way to earn money from translating, you’ll limit yourself and never make the kind of money that you want.

A language translator and a writer are very similar. They do the same job of content development. The translator, however, focuses more on developing the same content of a written work in another language

A typical Nigerian is able to speak more than one language fluently. With this trait, as a Nigerian, you are naturally disposed to learn many local and foreign languages.

And the best part is that you may not simply need to learn these languages for communication alone, but you can also make money from them by offering language translation services online. Here is how to go about it:

What is the first step to get started?

Here’s how you can start making money from language translation:

  • Learn multiple local and foreign languages fluently
  • Find great and lucrative online language translation services
  • Register to create an account
  • Search for translation gigs and bid for them

Different Types of Opportunities Translation

There are many language translation job opportunities you can explore but here are a few:

  • Text to voice translator
  • Voice to text translator
  • Online language teacher
  • Website content writer in a foreign language
  • Software/app translator
How to Make Money as a Translator

1.  You Can Work For Direct Clients.

If you choose to work for direct clients it means that you want to only translate and not do anything else related to the translation profession and you may also need to start building up your own client base. This is what most translators do to earn money.

2.  You Can Work For Translation Agencies:

By working for a translation agency, you can earn living from there. Most translators earn lot of money by working for a translation agency.

3.  You Can Establish Your Own Translation Agency

Working as a translator may make your dream to form your own translation agency.  Many translators later realize they can make even more money by forming their own translation agencies.

4.  Create a Website for Translators Agencies

I hope you into having a website If you’re a translator or planning to be a translator. Without a website, you’re not going to last very long. Maybe you built a good website and enjoyed it.

5.  Publish a Translation Books

You can write a book about translation and sell on Amazon. There are almost 22,000 books in the Kindle store that pop up when searching on “translation on Amazon.

6.  Teaching Social Media for Translators

In the same vein, teaching translators how to use social media could be a great source of income.

Of course, in order to teach someone about social media marketing, you have to make sure your own social media empire is on point.

Nobody will want to hire you with 3 Twitter followers and 12 likes on the one Facebook post your wrote last.

7.  Conduct Teaching Translation Courses

You can organize a tutorial in school or a conducive environment and conduct your translation teaching Centre. Teaching is a great way to stay on your game as a translator. Many organizations need a translator not just university who need translation instructors. Community colleges, adult schools all need a translator.

8.  Design and Sell Translation Courses Online

This is another way to make money as translation instructors, design and sell translation courses. If standing in front of a room full of students looking at you to instruct them scares you, go a slightly different direction and design an online course that teaches translation principles and/or succeeding in the translation world. You can design and compile it in PDF, VCD, CD or any available channel.

Read: 14 Legit Ways To Make Money Online In Nigeria- 2020 (Earn Money Online)

Where Can I Start My Online Language Translation Job


Visit the platform and join the community as a translator.


Unbabel is an artificial intelligence powered human translation platform. With headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal, and San Francisco, California, the company is focused on the translation of customer service communications.



This global platform is active 24/7 so you can set your own schedule and work whenever you want, from wherever you want. Income varies across languages depending on customer demand and job availability



On italki you only pay per lesson and at the price that meets your budget. Take online lessons at the time and place that suits you.


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