Objectives of Nigeria Foreign Policy Ministry

Objectives of Nigeria foreign policy, ministry – The Nigeria Foreign ministry was created in 1961, with Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa appointing Jaja Wachuku the inaugural Minister of Foreign Affairs and Commonwealth Relations. Before Wachuku’s tenure, Balewa had doubled as Foreign Affairs advocate of Nigeria, from 1960 to 1961.

The Nigeria foreign policy, ministry is dedicated to the vital national interests of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and the promotion of African Integration and unity, international cooperation for the consolidation of Global Peace, Security, a just world economic order and democratic values, through the formulation, articulation and implementation of Nigeria’s Policy objectives for the benefit of the nation, and her citizens by building the capability to be a major role player in world affairs, earning the respect of the People of Africa, and the larger international community.

Objectives of Nigeria Foreign Policy Ministry

The objectives of Nigeria foreign policy is to re-inforce foreign decision making and implementation processes in Nigeria and handle the external promotion of Nigeria’s domestic vision and ideals; it is headed by a federal executive cabinet minister.

The objectives of Nigeria foreign policy is to also build a strong and effective Foreign Ministry that is knowledge-based and technology-drive in service delivery in the pursuit of Nigeria’s interests and foreign policy goals and objectives.

The ministry aim to deal with issues of National Security, Survival, Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty as well as strengthening the International Mechnism for effective service delivery and enhancing revenue measures, distributions, Customer service, including increasing a greater economic content in the curriculum of the Nations Foreign Services and Investment.

The objectives of Nigeria foreign policy are committed to enhance:

  • Promotion and protection of Nigeria’s national interests;
  • Representing and protecting the interests of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Nigerian citizens, and legal entities abroad;
  • Promotion of African integration and support for African unity;
  • Promotion of international cooperation for the consolidation of universal peace and mutual respect among nations and elimination of discrimination in all its manifestation;
  • Respect for international law and treaty l as seeking settlement of the internal dispute by negotiation, mediation, conciliations, arbitration, and adjudication; and
  • Promotion of a just world economic order.

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