Most Delicious Nigerian Snacks Recipes and their Pictures

Nigerian Snacks Recipes & Pictures-  I decided to go through a list of delicious snacks we enjoy in Nigeria and it was amazing to have found some list i will love to share with you. Some of those list might be your  favorite. 

Nigerian Snacks recipes include: Puff Puff, Nigerian Meat Pie, Chin Chin, Buns, Coconut Candy, Doughnuts, Fish Roll and many more.

Nigerian snacks are either baked, deep-fried or roasted. You can prepare all the Nigerian snacks recipes on this page in the comfort of your home so what are you still waiting for?

Most Delicious Nigerian Snacks Recipes and their Pictures

Egg rolls

Egg rolls

The Nigerian egg rolls might be casually mistaken for scotched eggs but on a closer look, the difference is quite clear.

The snack is made by practically wrapping up a boiled egg in dough, and deep-frying it.

Chicken Suya Kebab

Nigerian Snacks Recipes

Chicken Suya is an extremely popular Nigerian Chicken recipe. Nigerian Chicken Suya is simply Yaji Spice infused grilled Chicken. Chicken Suya can be made with either boneless or boned Chicken.

Plantain chips

Plantain chips

plantain chips are one of the popular light snacks in Nigeria. Indeed there are a variety of things to do with plantains, ripe or unripe. As snacks, they are made as chips, roasted/fried plantains, plantain pancakes, plantain pies or battered plantains.

Whatever your choice or invention, plantain chips could be one of the oldest Nigerian snacks ever.

Scotch Eggs

Scotch Eggs

Scotch Eggs are one of my favourite Nigerian snacks ever. My absolute best are Nigerian Chicken Pies, followed quite closely by Nigerian Meat Pies. I do realise Scotch eggs did not originate from Nigeria but they are so popular in

Boiled/Roasted Maize & Coconut

Boiled/Roasted Maize & Coconut

Depending on the time of the day, this can serve as food, finger food and a snack as well. The Maize can either be boiled or roasted, and can also be accompanied with either coconut or pears. This combo is a healthy fibre-packed snack.

Kuli kuli (Groundnut Cake)

 Nigerian Snacks Recipes

Kuli Kuli is native to the Nigerian Hausa tribe. It is made from roasted peanuts; grounded, spiced and deep-fried. This is one snack which also permits a range of variety in terms of size and recipe. It has become a popular Nigerian treat.

Coconut Candy

Coconut Candy

Coconut candies are chewable, crunchy or candy like and are easy to make snacks. Traditionally they could be thinly grated and fried but in time the caramel initiative came in.

Coconut candies also serve as desserts or treats. The creamy or golden-brown color is dependent on the choice of adding water or not, respectively. With water you can determine the caramelizing level.

Ojojo – Yam Fritters

Ojojo – Yam Fritters

Ojojo, also known as Yam Fritters is a traditional Nigerian snack or finger food made from grated Water Yam (Isu Ewura). Ojojo can be classed as a meal where/when it’s paired with Hot Pap, Garri or Oatmeal. It is incredibly good.



Puff-puff is often used as a typical snack and when in smaller sizes, is a perfect fit for the small chops used in Nigerian occasions. This is prepared by spicing up your batter especially with diced fresh pepper and then deep-frying in vegetable oil.

These days, the snack is made with a little more sophistication, thus we have such delicacies as the puff-puff suzette. Though in slight variations, this snack is also seen in some other parts of Africa.



Famously known as the crunchy corn meal snack, Kokoro is native to the western part of Nigeria.

It is made from a specially prepared dough consisting of corn meal, sugar and water (boiling hot water), rolled to shape and deep-fried. It could be spiced or not.



Nuts are such life savers, just ask your cardiologist. In Nigeria, when nuts are mentioned, the first two that come to mind are groundnuts (peanut) and cashew nuts.

Both nuts can be taken independently and can as well make great accompaniments. In Nigeria, groundnuts as a snack can go with bread, bananas, roasted plantain, cucumbers or garden eggs.

Nuts have an advantage of making you fuller till your next healthy meal supposing you are far from home.


Nigerian Snacks Recipes

Donkwa canapés, such are the wonders of tradition plus convention.

Donkwa is a traditional snack of the northern Nigerian Hausa tribe, made of finely grounded corn meal and groundnut, spiced with Chili peppers, then mixed with small amounts of oil and water and there you have it, mold to form and the snack is good to go.

Meat Pie

Nigerian Snacks Recipes

Meat pie is a staple snack in Nigeria, and is also seen in some other inter-continental locations. What makes this snack the interesting savory snack that it is, is the spicy meat and vegetable filling enveloped in it.

Just as in most food cases, everyone has a peculiar recipe that rocks their boat.

Akara (Bean Cakes)

Nigerian Snacks Recipes

This is one of the most popular snacks/food in Nigeria. It is made from beans flour, spiced to taste and deep-fried into balls; they are taken with pap/custard, eaten with either plantain/yam/potato fries with stew.

Whether or not as a roadside snack, it is best served hot; eaten alone or with bread, and of course accompanied with chilled fruit drink.

Chin Chin

Chin Chin

Chin chin is a crunchy snack made with well prepared dough, flavored and deep-fried; chin chin could also be oven-baked. The size and shape of the snack is generally of individual preference.

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