Negative Effects of Poverty in Africa

The negative effects of poverty in Africa are boundless and they are obvious killing the growth and development of the very potentially prosperous continent. Africa is no doubt a very blessed part of the world. This fact remains nonnegligible, for there are strange opposing forces which would rather they invested in greed than in human as well as social development of their milieu.

The Possible Solutions to These Problems

  • African governments should create employments for the masses. This had been overemphasized for years and it still remains one of the surest ways to reduce poverty. The governments should strategize how to develop the various sectors that generate revenue and make these sectors enriching for people to be gainfully employed. The government should diversify the opportunities and not marginalize a portion of the citizens.
  • Health Services and Facilities should be made adequate to both urban and rural areas equally: As already discussed, the lack of good medical facilities in the rural communities where a good number of the less privileged citizens are only prolongs the issue of poverty.
  • Government should take legislative actions to prohibit restriction of child education: Education is paramount for a person to function  in a civilised nation. It is very important that the education of young ones is considered necessary in the making of any national policy. It is also recommended that the government focuses on the girl child education proscribing religious or traditional perspectives  restraining them from being educated.
  • Furthermore, government should strive to ensure equal pay for both male and female workers in the same capacity of labour. This will facilitate the interest of the women in the economic development of the country.
  • Strict measures should be executed against corrupt public/government officials: Mismanagement of resources will lead to an impoverished country. This can be avoided if the right actions can be meted against those who are responsible for using the or position to commit national theft.

Negative Effects of Poverty in Africa

Below are some of the negative effects of poverty in Africa that you can never keep us as from as they are poking us in the face blatantly without remorse. The causes of poverty in Africa are not exhaustive and neither are the ramifications. Each year, there is a marginal increase of mass poverty and as the number grows, the people are forced to make a living for themselves. This type of living of course has its dangerous consequences on the African society. Here are some of them:

High Crime Rate

This is no surprise given that most of those who engage in criminal activities such as murder, armed robbery, theft, kidnapping, internet fraud and so on, are largely part of the disadvantaged masses. In periods of economic recession, there is the possibility of more people interested in taking advantage of highly placed people in the society. So in order to provide for themselves, they are willing to go off the deep end and use illegal tactics to amass wealth.

Economic Depletion

African countries have been confronted with unending series of economic recession which in a long run has affected the overall economy of nations. Due to the increased population of the poor masses, there is little or no inspiration for the said group to invest into the economic development of the nation. For a continent that has more number of poor than the rich, the problem just keeps on growing.

Eyesore to Investors

As repeatedly emphasized, Africa is one of the richest continents in terms of the natural resources it possesses and that is why persons and governments overseas are interested in Africa.

Unfortunately it has not been able to manage its resources properly and given the inevitable results of poverty, the continent as a whole does not strike much attention as it used to. Now, in the scope of global trade, the stock value for these resources has drastically dropped over the years.

Read Also: How to Self-Help in Africa

Undignifying Reputation

It is obvious that a notable poor country cannot have much influence in making some decisions or have a strong presence in matters of international importance. Compared with other economically advanced countries of the world, most African countries will not realistically stand a chance running in opposition. Usually, they bend to their will at every turn or they are not given the respect as a nation.

Total National Breakdown

Where a country does not have enough resources or capital to secure the welfare of the masses, it may be forced to merge with a nation that is doing prosperously well. While this has not been the case yet, it is a growing concern. If the numbers keep growing, a country will have no other choice than to amalgamate with another country just to sustain the economy.

If for the sake of integrity it refuses to do so, such country will continue to borrow and owe huge debts which can result to refusal from lending nations to provide assistance.

Rate of Mortality

There is increase of death rates due to horrendous standard of living, inadequate health services leading to life threatening diseases and extreme hunger. The genocide that occurred in Rwanda claiming 800,000 lives is an example of what transpired after the incident.

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