What is Jordan Peterson’s Personality Types?

What is Jordan Peterson’s personality types? This is the platform prepared for this type of question. With the chance to get to know almost everything about the Jordan Peterson, you are just a cursor away to get to discover all the personality of this amazing character.

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian psychologist, author, and media commentator. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues, often described as conservative. Peterson has described himself as a classic British liberal and a traditionalist.

Jordan Peterson is an Enneagram Five personality type with a Four wing. Enneagram Fives belong to the head center, along with Sixes and Sevens, and they naturally make decisions based on analysis. Jordan seeks to understand before he proceeds. Enneagram Fives value connecting with others on an intellectual level and they like to feel in control.

As an Enneagram Five, Jordan is original, contemplative and curious. He has unique perspectives and gets lost in thought. Enneagram Fives often spend a lot of time mulling things over and they like to understand things on a deep level.

Naturally inquisitive, Jordan has a thirst for knowledge and a desire to constantly be learning.

Types of Personalities

  • Extraverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving EXFP – Extraverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving Practicing
  • Extraverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving Practicing INTJ – Introverted iNtuition Thinking Judging
  • Introverted iNtuition Thinking Judging INFP – Introverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving Practicing

What is Jordan Peterson’s Personality Types?

To answer the question, what is Jordan Peterson’s personality types?, we have prepared simply all the things you need to know about it.

INFJ Personality Type

Jordan Peterson is an INFJ personality type. When making decisions, Jordan places a great emphasis on his emotions and other people’s feelings. Jordan is a high achiever and excels in his field of clinical psychology.

As an INFJ, he can be a perfectionist and he likes to see projects through to completion. Jordan is known for being hard-working, friendly and easy to get along with.

Jordan sees helping others as his purpose in life. Typically seeing injustice in the world is distressing for INFJs and this is what drives them to want to make the world a better place.

As an INFJ, it’s likely that Jordan aspires to better understand human nature. He has a unique ability to dream big but he was also able to make things happen.

Enneagram Five Personality Type

Jordan Peterson is an Enneagram Five personality type with a Four wing. Enneagram Fives belong to the head center, along with Sixes and Sevens, and they naturally make decisions based on analysis. Jordan seeks to understand before he proceeds. Enneagram Fives value connecting with others on an intellectual level and they like to feel in control.

As an Enneagram Five, Jordan is original, contemplative and curious. He has unique perspectives and gets lost in thought. Enneagram Fives often spend a lot of time mulling things over and they like to understand things on a deep level. Naturally inquisitive, Jordan has a thirst for knowledge and a desire to constantly be learning.

ENFP Personality Type

The ENFP personality type is one of two idealist personality types. They are the rarest of the 16 personality types, only representing about 1% of the population. It’s notable that the ENFP shares a lot in common with the INFJ and INTJ types. Both INFJ and INTJ types are idealists and both ENFP and INFJ people can be very social and creative. They also share a lot of commonalities in their values and abilities.

INTJ Personality Type

INTJ stands for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Thinking (T), and Judging (J). The INTJ is known as the architect, but some commentators also call this personality type the “mastermind.” The INTJ has formidable reasoning capabilities, including the ability to strategize and plan things far in advance.

The INTJ’s introversion means their strategizing and reasoning abilities are usually applied to ideas, rather than people: they excel in the hard sciences and in technical fields where they can completely focus on the subject at hand. However, their gifts with reason and strategy, and their visionary qualities, can sometimes even lead them into politics.

ENFJ Personality Type

ENFJs are lifelong learners deeply curious about the world around them, with a love of theories and patterns. Protagonists usually have quite a sharp intellect and often have a fondness for more people-related subjects such as the arts, literature, history, and psychology—but their interests can also encompass the sciences or fields like law or accounting.

Like their introverted counterparts, the INFJ, ENFJs are highly capable of coming up with novel ideas. ENFJs sometimes have a strong artistic streak and are capable of great creativity. They are passionate about their own ideas and they will encourage their friends and colleagues to see things from different angles. ENFJs are unafraid to challenge the status quo.

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