International Labour Organization (ILO) Global Competition 2020.

 International Labour Organization (ILO) is launching its sixth annual Global Media Competition to recognize exemplary media coverage on labour migration and fair recruitment.

The competition aims to promote quality reporting on labour migration issues. It will give awards to two published media pieces.

For the first time it will also give prizes for two ‘synopses’ of stories to be developed on labour migration or fair recruitment.

Eligible Countries:

 International Labour Organization (ILO) member countries

Value of Awards: 

Each of the four winners will be able to choose between two prize options:

-Paid fellowship (course fees, Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) and travel) to participate in a one-week ITC-Turin course on a fair recruitment or labour migration-related topic in 2020; or

-A cash prize of $1,000 USD.

Student Award

•Award categories: one prize will be awarded for one of the two categories: -Exemplary reporting on fair recruitment of migrant workers, or -Exemplary reporting on the future of labour migration. For details on the categories see the section above for professionals.

•Prize: The winner will be able to choose between two prize options:

-Paid fellowship (course fees, DSA and travel) to participate in a one-week ITC-Turin course on a fair recruitment or labour migration related topic; or -A cash prize of $300 USD

International Labour Organization (ILO) Global Competition Eligibility: 

Professional journalists are invited to submit a maximum of two entries, one per each of the two following categories:

  • Written articles (online or print articles)
  • Media Production (photo journalism, audio, video)

Articles should not exceed 8000 words and videos/multimedia should not be longer than 10 minutes.

How To Apply For International Labour Organization (ILO) Global Competition: 

Complete the online entry form in the category of either “professionals” or “students” category. You can submit your piece in the following categories: written press, photo essay, multimedia, video and/or radio. See the full Terms and Conditions for details.

For More Information

Visit The Official Website 

Application Deadline: 

31st October 2020

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