Importance of University of Ibadan matriculation exhibition

Important of University of Ibadan matriculation exhibition

Importance of University of Ibadan matriculation exhibition

Importance of University of Ibadan matriculation exhibition …..To become a matriculated student of the University of Ibadan, a student must have satisfied the minimum educational requirements for admission to the University. On Matriculation day, every fresh student, formally, signs a declaration to mark his/her provisional admission to the University, and to signify that he/she shall observe the statutes and regulations of the University as well as obey the directive of the constituted authority of the University. All matriculants are required to be formally dressed (that is, be in complete suit, as well as a costume gown for the matriculation ceremony. According to Senate regulations, no student, unless he/she is matriculated, is allowed to remain in the University after half of the term in which he/she is registered has elapsed.

Use of Matriculation Numbers

Student records are computerized in the University Computing Centre. For this purpose, each student is assigned a matriculation number upon registration. No official student paper or document may be regarded as complete or valid unless it carries the correct matriculation number. Student are strongly advised to know, and to always be definite about their matriculation numbers, as well as use the numbers on all official transactions, including examination answer scripts and payment of fees. Importance of University of Ibadan matriculation exhibition 

Once a student has been given a matriculation number, he/she must retain it even if he/she changes his/her faculty or programme of study. All new students are formally admitted to the University at the Matriculation. At this ceremony, new students must take the Matriculation Oath and sign the register of matriculated students of the University. Nobody may claim to be a student of this University until he/she duly completed all matriculation formalities.


  1. Itunuoluwa
    • School Drillers

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