Igede Youth Council Set To Mobilize 400 Youths In Vocational Training.

Igede Youth Council Set To Mobilize 400 Youths In Vocational Training –

Igede Youth Council Set To Mobilize 400 Youths

From the new released by the Igede youths president, Comrade Andyson Iji Egbodo, the worried of the rising crime rate in Igede kingdom pushes us to launches the new IYC Street Intervention Initiative.

According to him, our target is reducing crime rate in Igede to its possible minimum. Instead of our young ones to carry guns, daggers and knives in their pockets, that they may carry ATM cards and working tools for a better life.

Igede Youth Council is signing 400 idle youths up for vocational training of their choices across the land. We have had several meetings with artisans associations with the aim of partnering together in this project.

So, almost all of them have agreed to yank off 45% of their stipulated apprenticeship fees for the 400 candidates in the spirit of partnership with IYC.

So, we have kick started the program yesterday. If you have any idle younger one, boy or girl, encourage him or her to go to IYC secretariat at 19, Oju LG Secretariat Road between 8am and 10am to pick a form free of charge.

The initiative don’t intend to go begging anybody money to fund this project. Security is and should be everybody’s business. If you are not comfortable with some ugly development lately in terms of crime rate in Igede land, then you may identify with this land cleansing strategy.

We also won’t open our hands to collect funding from any partner at all. What all our partners should do is simple. If you can pay for may be two, three or five apprentices, do let us know.

We shall give you partnership form free of charge then we furnish you with bank details of the workshop training your candidates. It’s at that stage partners could pay the apprenticeship fee of how many candidates they can sponsor. We shall only be interested in the payment receipt for our office use only. Very simple! Igede Youth Council Set To Mobilize 400 Youths

We have been able to arrive at a flat rate of N20,000 apprenticeship fee for each of the 400 youths. Yesterday, this program got a boost with the offer of sponsorship from members of IYC.

Ochi Billy Amara and John Ogi promised yesterday to pay for five apprentices each. Eka A’adu Dickson Jnr said he will pay for 20 candidates, President of Oju II Unity and his wife, Comrade Isaac Arubi said he will sponsor two candidates.

Ike Innocent, Ohekwuru Akobo and Sonny Egwu all said they will admit two candidates each into their workshops for a two years training, free of charge in the spirit of welcoming the new Igede.

Only from within IYC, I am happy to announce that over 55 slots out of the total target of 400 idle youths are covered already. Can you see that the project can be achieved?

In the new Igede, we won’t go begging people to do things right again. If you like do, if you don’t like, fold your hands and watch… Joy, definitely will come in the morning. Igede can not continue like this.

Igede Youth Council has appointed Comrade Egbe Emmanuel Ijuoh as coordinator of this project with Stanley Oboh and Grace Eje as his supporting hands. We shall work closely together to drive this project home to have our land cleansed of social vices.

This is just the beginning of the other strategists that are aimed at reducing crime rate in Igede land. We shall keep rolling in the other programs one after the other.

As reported,  about 68 idle youths turned up to collect forms free of charge and the exercise continues . The program is for bot  Obi and Oju local government respectively.

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