20 Igede Names and English Meaning

Igede Names And English Meaning- Have you ever wondered about the spellings, pronunciation of Igede names and their meaning?  If yes you are at the right place. Having a name and knowing what it means is an essential part of self identification.

A name is a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing. It is also a  word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known .

Through my conscious mind to some extent of reasoning remembering experiences and mostly in African culture, Names and their meaning is understood to have impact in individuals life.

Some culture believe a child name speaks for him or her in the future, which means the name of a person sometimes determined the destiny as it is strongly believed in some African culture.

There are thousands of Igede names  but  we  mentioned the 20 Igede names and their English meaning including the commonly used Igede names to be precise.

Igede Names and English Meaning  selection is culturally based. One of the most commonly naming practice in Igede is naming your child after your father and mother. Choosing a baby name this way can cause a few headaches, too. This system is practically part of Igede culture over the years since I was born.

For example, If your father’s name was Paul, and you have a male child as your first born,  It is culturally based that  you would name your firstborn son Paul. And when your second son arrived, you are expected naming him after your wife father’s name respectively. This pattern is applicable to all female child too.

If at the end of the day you end up having four children’s, each, the children must at least share a name from both fathers and mothers family.

Concerning Igede names, people care less about  the literary meaning of the names in most cases. Some few names could be Ochim, Ogbodo, Enyungwo, Adoga, Ire and Onyeriya. There are also inscriptive names, they have several groups of names.

20 Igede Names And English Meaning

Here are the  list of 20 Igede names and their English’s meaning:

    1. Adiya -Meaning  a queen
    2.  Erima-  meaning “God heard my cry”
    3. Agbo – Meaning a powerful woman
    4. Ohiama – Meaning a beautiful damsel
    5.  Omeje – Meaning a royal woman
    6. Onwanyi -Meaning  a beautiful young lady
    7. Aladi – Meaning new beginning
    8. Ojobo – Meaning God is great
    9. Egbe -Meaning a fruitful woman
    10. Inori – Meaning a fine, smooth-skinned woman
    11. Agocha – a fearless person that fights his enemies.
    12. Adegwu, Ukenya – Community chief priest
    13. Oko/Odugbo – a bid that always perches on a riped palm fruits
    14. Onda – miracle, what one cannot explain
    15. Onah – leader of the family
    16. Adoga – one who everyone relies upon in the family
    17. Akwuma – one who can single-handedly defeat a crown of warriors
    18. Edor – good to invest in a child
    19. Edu/Edeh – one who fights for his people
    20. Ogbaji – a giant who is respected in the community

Igede Female Names and their Meaning

    •  Iyaji – Meaning fear for survival
    • Ogeyi – Meaning small statured but held in high esteem woman
    • Erima – a woman admired by all
    • Inori – Meaning a fine, smooth-skinned woman
    •  Odu – Meaning a wealthy woman
    • Eko – Meaning a call to duty
    • Uduma – Meaning a hardworking woman
    • Abeyi – Meaning a wise, clever and fine woman who keeps family secrets
    • Ocheri -Meaning  a neat woman
    •  Onwaji -Meaning  a baby girl born after a long period of childlessness
    •  Ugwodenyi (Ugwo) -Meaning  debt destroys friendship
    • Oganya – Meaning women leader
    • Onyeje – Meaning who knows tomorrow

Igede Male Names and their Meaning

    • Eje – Meaning a great hunter who kills a tiger
    • Ebah – Meaning a talented drummer
    • Egiri – Meaning one whose mother stays long in labour room before giving birth to.
    • Ode – Meaning  a medicine man, a herbalist
    • Ominyi -Meaning  one who kills an elephant
    • Akira -Meaning  a record keeper
    • Eworo -Meaning  a masquerade
    • Ajah – Meaning born during parents’ misunderstanding
    • Ahonye -Meaning  a lazy but neat man
    • Ajigo – Meaning born when mother is grinding on grinding stone
    • Ijeh – Meaning one on a journey
    • Abi – Meaning one with foresight
    • Ohiero – Meaning a great farmer
    • Ogireji – Meaning one who has too much yams and conquers famine in his household
    • Omiragi -Meaning one who kills a leopard
    • Onwakpo – Meaning one who kills a buffalo

Commonly Used Igede Names and their Meaning

    • Ogeyi – small stature woman but held in high esteem
    • Erima – A woman admired by all
    • Odu, Olodu- A wealthy woman
    •  Eko – A call
    • Uduma – A hardworking woman
    •  Egbe – A fruitful woman
    •  Abeyi – A wise, clever and fine woman who keeps family secrets
    • Ocheri – A neat woman
    • Uleko – A queen
    • Onwaji – A baby girl born after a long period of childlessness
    • Ohiama – A beautiful damsel
    • Omeje – A royal woman
    • Onwanyi – A beautiful young lady
    •  Ugwo – debt destroys friendship
    • Oganya – womens leader
    • Onyeje – who knows tomorrow
    • Aladi – new beginning
    • Olaje – A noble man
    • Eje – A great hunter who kills a tiger
    • Ebah – a talented drummer
    • Egiri – one whose mother stays long in labour room before giving birth to.
    • Ominyi – one who kills an elephant
    • Akira – a secretary/record keeper
    •  Eworo – a masquerade
    • Ajah – born during parents’ misunderstanding
    • Ahonye – a lazy but neat man
    • Ajigo – born when mother is grinding on grinding stone
    • Ijeh – one on a journey
    • Abi – one with foresight
    • Ohiero – a great farmer
    • Ogireji – one who has too much yams and conquers famine in his household
    • Omiragi – one who kills a leopard
    • Onwakpo – one who kills a buffalo
    • Udu– wealth
    • Agbo – powerful as a buffalo
    • Otor – need by all in the family
    • Egbere – he who provide food for others to eat
    • Edor – good to invest in a child
    • Edu/Edeh – one who fights for his people
    • Oluji – envied for his importance to the family
    • Onda – miracle, what one cannot explain
    • Onah – leader of the family
    • Adoga – one who everyone relies upon in the family
    • Akwuma – one who can single-handedly defeat a crown of warriors
    • Okwoche – an intelligent person who is also a good detector
    • Otumala – as a strong and clever as a tiger.
    • Iyaji – fear for survival
    • Ojobo – God’s grace


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