How To Wash Your Hands  According To World Health Organization(WHO).

How To Wash Your Hands  According To World Health Organization(WHO).

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others from illnesses such as food poisoning and flu.

How To Wash Your Hands 

No one likes to get ill; you feel absolutely miserable and it always seems to happen at the most unfortunate of moments. You’re out of the running for a couple of days at least and there’s so much to catch up on when you’re back to full health again.

To avoid getting sick in the first place, some people wash their hands with hand sanitizers or soap a lot. It’s obviously important to wash hands properly, especially in times like these.

Also, check the video below. It shows that washing your hands properly is a little more complicated than most of us would have thought.

Proper Way To Watch Hands  According To World Health Organization.

How To Wash Your Hands

Of course, you’ll want to wash your hands after a visit to the toilet. Usually we’d suggest to not wash your hands too often with hand sanitizers or soap, since this will cause all kinds of little cracks in your skin.

This happens because most hand sanitisers and soaps contain ingredients that will dry out your skin, like alcohol, for example. But with the coronavirus spreading real fast in the world, it’s obviously important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap multiple times a day.

In order to wash your hands properly the World Health Organization (WHO) advices to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice while using the images above.

Steps to washing your hands properly

  • Wet your hands with clean — preferably running — water.
  • Apply enough soap to cover all surfaces of your hands and wrists.
  • Lather and rub your hands together briskly and thoroughly. Make sure to scrub all surfaces of your hands, fingertips, fingernails, and wrists.
  • Scrub your hands and wrists for at least 20 seconds.
  • Rinse your hands and wrists under clean preferably running water.
  • Dry your hands and wrists with a clean towel, or let them air-dry.
  • Use a towel to turn off the faucet.

When should you wash your hands?

You should wash your hands:

  • after using the toilet or changing a nappy
  • before and after handling raw foods like meat and vegetables
  • before eating or handling food
  • after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing
  • before and after treating a cut or wound
  • after touching animals, including pets, their food and after cleaning their cages

Washing your hands properly removes dirt, viruses and bacteria to stop them spreading to other people and objects, which can spread illnesses such as food poisoning, flu or diarrhoea.

It can help stop people picking up infections and spreading them to others.

It can also help stop spreading infections when you’re visiting someone in hospital or another healthcare setting.

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