Current List of Profitable & Highest Paying Job In Nigeria.

Highest Paying Job:   In spite of the poor economy  and the present state of the Nigerian economy, there are many good job in several industries and sectors in Nigeria.

Highest Paying Job

It is most definitely normal to investigate those jobs that are the best-paying while hunting for Jobs such as  highest paying job in Nigeria. In this article we list some of those jobs that have high pay in Nigeria.

Based on several research from online platforms like opportunity and from our developer, we have come up with 17 list of high paying job or careers in Nigeria.

Current List of Highest Paying Job In Nigeria

1.  Software Programming job

With the immense surge in the use of technology in various industries in Nigeria, software programmers are readily hired and paid well. A software programmer is a skilled IT professional who codes, tests, debugs, and maintains computer programs that computer devices should follow to carry out their functions. Software programmer can refer to an expert in one area of computers, or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software.

They also solve any issues or problems that might arise when using computer devices. Due to the high demand for their services, software programmers are paid really well and work in different firms, banks or technology companies.

2.  Petroleum Engineer

Nigeria is one of the largest oil producing countries in Nigeria. Due to the existence of large deposits of crude oil and natural gas in Nigeria, the services of petroleum engineers are highly sought after to manage mining operations. Therefore, petroleum engineering is one of the most financially rewarding jobs in Nigeria. As a petroleum engineer, you get to work with notable oil companies such as Shell, Conoil, Chevron and Total.

A petroleum engineer determines the most resourceful way to drill and extract oil and natural gas at an oil well. They manage drilling operations, resolve any operating problems, and can also stimulate an underperforming well. Petroleum engineers work in the field of exploration of crude oil and natural gas, which are products in high demand by Nigerians.

3.  Artiste or Musicians

The entertainment industry is by far one of the fastest growing industries in Nigeria. And from recent happenings, the whole world is beginning to pay close attention to our entertainers in various entertainment sectors like the music industry. Funny enough, you do not necessarily need to have a degree to delve into this sector. Entertainers in Nigeria earn mouth-watering cash and if you are highly skilled, you might want to consider this industry. Highest Paying Job

4.  Accountant jobs

Nigerian companies need to record business transactions which are why the services of an accountant are in high demand. An accountant is a certified financial professional who reports on company performance to management, and issues financial statements. An accountant is one of the key players in any business that he or she works for, whether it is a large firm or a small business. This is because of the importance of financial transactions to the growth of a business.

Accountants are qualified professionals who are trained in bookkeeping and in preparation, auditing and analysis of accounts. To work in Nigeria as an accountant, you have to procure an ICAN certification at the very least.

ICAN certifications are very tasking programs, but worth the effort. Accountants in Nigeria are paid really well, because they can work in any industry and their services are in high demand.

 5.  Surgeon

Earning a degree as a medical practitioner is highly demanding. Passing exams at medical school is very tough. Training to become a surgeon is mentally draining, emotionally tasking and very stressful. Therefore, surgeons command very high salary at hospitals where they work. Depending on the specialty of the surgeon, the salary could even be higher. Working as a surgeon is very lucrative in Nigeria.

6.  Pharmacist

Healthcare is a very lucrative industry to work in Nigeria. Nigerians are constantly in need of good healthcare services, and are willing to pay for it because their lives are involved. When people fall sick, they have to take medicine so they can get well. Pharmacists are medical practitioners who are trained and licensed to provide and make medicine for sick people. Highest Paying Job

7.  Salesperson jobs

Every business needs a salesperson. A salesperson can work in different industries such as pharmaceuticals, automobiles, technology, clothing, skincare etc. A business that wants to make profit must hire a salesperson to increase the profitability of the business. Salespeople are paid really well in Nigerian firms.

8.  Pilot jobs

Pilots who fly airplanes in Nigeria earn very high salaries at airlines where they work. Due to the risk, technical knowhow and sheer amount of hard work associated with flying aero planes, pilots are well paid for their work. Working as a pilot in Nigeria is very demanding and tasking. Being a pilot is one of the most lucrative job opportunities in Nigeria.

9.  Show Promoter jobs

Entertainment in Nigeria is a booming industry and being a show promoter in Nigeria is a profitable job opportunity. Show promoters are very influential in the Nigerian entertainment industry and make a lot of money. These people are visionaries and executors.

A show promoter organizes music concerts, comedy shows, and other entertainment shows. Working as a show promoter is very demanding and stressful but worth the trouble.

A successful show pays a show promoter really well. The amounts of money a show promoter can earn largely depend on various factors such as;

  • The capacity of the venue booked
  • Show publicity and awareness
  • The popularity of the music or comedy acts they promote as entertainers for the show.

Working as a show promoter in Nigeria is one of the most lucrative job opportunities in Nigeria.

10.  Web Designer jobs

Every company, firm or business in Nigeria needs a well designed and functioning website. Therefore, the services of web designers are in high demand. A web designer basically designs, sets up and maintains a website. You can work remotely or full time at several Nigerian firms. Web designing is a one of the most lucrative job opportunities in Nigeria.

11.  Banker jobs

It is no secret that bankers make a lot of money, and that banking jobs are very lucrative in Nigeria. Commercial and investment bankers are well paid professionals in the banking industry. As a banker, you can work in Zenith Bank, First Bank, Access Bank, Guaranteed Trust Bank, Polaris Bank among many others and earn high salaries.

12.  Nollywood Jobs

Nollywood undoubtedly is one of the biggest movie industries in the world, with numerous number of movies being released everyday. And we as humans after our various activities look to unwind in various ways and one of your best bets is to relax and watch a movie. Being a top level Actor or Actress in Nigeria isn’t easy because the industry is filled with stars. But with a couple of good movies in your resume as an actor, you are well on course to super stardom.

13.  Medical Jobs

After going through all those stress and hard-work in school, most Medical professionals will tell you it was worth every bit of it. Don’t believe anyone who tells you being a medical doctor does not pay. Though like most jobs, it depends on your level of experience but even many Entry-level medical professionals earn comfortably well. It depends on the opportunity available and if you are able to get those high-paying Entry-level medical jobs. And i am no doctor to be able to tell that they enjoy their jobs.

14.  Data Analyst Jobs

Ever heard of big data? Yes Data Analysts Jobs is our second on the list. But who is a data analyst? A data analyst’s job is to take that data and use it to help companies make better business decisions. He/She inspects, cleanses, transforms and models data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions and supporting decision-making. Many corporations today a in search of data analysts. Though this line of job is in lower demand in Nigeria, but it is still one of the highest paying jobs in Nigeria due to its pedigree worldwide. It takes a lot to become a data analyst, Mathematical calculations and programming all involved.

15.  Maritime or Sailing Jobs

This is one of those Jobs that is rarely available, but it pays. We put this in our No. 6 spot because the demand is very low. I have got a few friends who work in the Maritime industry though and they earn comfortable salaries.

16.   Business Development Jobs

Business developers are in high demand in Nigeria currently. It is one thing to start a business, it is another different ball game to build your clients as well as maintain a relationship to boost your sales. That is why Employers seek after business developers. Though this job is mostly available at the senior or experienced level, it is understandable as no one would like an inexperienced person to handle such a job as important as this right? If you studied business-related courses in school you might want to start looking into being a business developer.

17.  Digital Marketing or Social Media 

Are you good at developing, implementing and managing marketing campaigns, implementing SEO strategies that promote a company and its products and/or services? You might wanna start looking for job opportunities in this field. Digital Marketing is fast growing and is one of the most underrated Jobs currently. We term it underrated because 70% of companies in Nigeria aren’t even aware of the impact digital marketing can have on their businesses. This is one of the skills you can actually learn on your own. More-so, if you have a large following on social media, you can take advantage of this field.

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