How To Adjust From High School Schedules To University Schedules.

High School Schedules To University Schedules:- Entering into University is the same as entering into  the freedom of adulthood and of course, is an exciting time.

High School Schedules To University Schedules

Whether you are going to university or starting a professional job, this time calls for many changes. The best way to be successful in your University or “adulting” life is to learn from first-hand experiences.Learn to adjust from high school schedules to university schedules. To help make the adjustment easier, we are beginning an Adulting.

Everyone’s path to becoming an adult is different and through the journey, there are plenty of lessons learned. This blog acknowledges tips for adjusting from a high school schedule to a University schedule.

How To Adjust From High School Schedules To University Schedules

1.  Adjusting to fewer class hours

While in high school, you may have experienced a typical six hours of class time every day, five days a week. While in college this may change drastically. Based on the number of credit hours you are taking; you may only have two to three hours of class time a day. This means less time in class and more time preparing outside of class. To be successful in college courses, you should read the material and look over your notes at least once before class.

Along with less time in class, these classes may not be back-to-back. You could have an 8 a.m. class and a 7 p.m. lab that leaves a large gap in the middle of your day. This allows you to schedule tasks between classes.

2. Less in-class time, more out of class time

With less time in the classroom and more time outside of class, you will have more responsibility to make a balanced schedule. It is recommended that for every credit of a class you should be studying three hours outside of class each week. If you have a three-credit class, this means nine hours of studying and homework outside of the classroom. With this recommendation comes the freedom to make a study schedule as it best fits in your week. Creating a to-do list and prioritizing tasks in a planner based on importance will help you succeed in and out of the classroom.

3.  More flexible work schedules

If your class time class schedule is open during the day, you can schedule to work throughout the during breaks. Unlike in high school, where you may have only been able to work weekday nights, you now have more flexibility. This may also require finding a job that allows for flexible hours around your class schedule. Many on-campus jobs understand the priority of being a student first and to work between classes. Working while in college leads to more experiences that will help you get a job after graduation. You should work just enough hours where you can balance making money, getting homework done and having free time.

4.  More freedom

When you go off to college you will quickly realize there is not someone to make you food, do your laundry or monitor your homework. It’s your responsibility to prioritize and manage your time. You now have the freedom to create your schedule and you should remember to include eating, laundry, homework and sleeping in your planning. With more freedom also comes the importance of self-advocacy. You now represent yourself more than ever before and should reflect this in your actions and words. When you need assistance, be proactive and reach out to your professors, find a tutor, counselor, etc., and use the resources available to you.

Becoming an adult is an exciting time and brings the responsibility of creating a well-balanced schedule. You now have the freedom to make your own choices. While this is a time of independence, there are many resources on campus to help you navigate becoming an adult.

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