9 Healthy Ways to Stay Physically Active

Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits.

Exercise is one of the common healthy ways to stay physically active and it is good for both our mental and physical health, but it’s not just through more conventional activities like running and hitting the gym that you can reap the benefits. Some household activities can help you stay fit. Here are the common healthy ways to stay physically active.

Everyone can experience the health benefits of physical activity.  Age, abilities, ethnicity, shape, or size do not matter.

Healthy Ways to Stay Physically Active

Meeting your goals to stay physically active requires some planning, a training routine  and yes, hard work and dedication.  Here are the common healthy ways to stay physically active packed with mental health benefits:

  • Get new pet

One of the common healthy ways to stay physically active is to get new pet. The arrival of a new pet, especially a dog, has been shown to increase the owner’s activity levels. “Getting a pet, like a dog, will give you another reason to get out and get active.” Pets need activity, and actually can be your own accountability friend to get at least a short walk in daily. Even if the dog only forces you to get up and let it out without going for a walk, you will have burned more calories than if you sat in front of the television all day.

  • Walk More

Another healthy ways to stay physically active is to walk more. When it comes to staying active without the gym, walking is one of the easiest, most convenient activities you can do.

To burn calories, all you have to do is walk faster and devote more time to each walk.

For the most benefit, use a pedometer to keep track of how much you’re walking, and slowly work up to 10,000 steps a day.

Walking more does have added value, especially when you walk briskly for a longer duration, up hills, or use your arms for more than just a comfortable gait and swing them with your body.

  • Skydiving

Jumping out of a plane may not, at first, seem like an enjoyable activity  but it turns out it could be just what your mind needs.

Skydiving releases a huge number of endorphins which can help ease mild depression, and psychologists say falling through the sky can help us to put our emotions into perspective.

Plus, you don’t have to jump alone; tandem skydiving lets you enjoy the ride while safe in the hands of an expert.

  • Cleaning your home

Cleaning your home or apartment regularly is another way to ensure that you stay active during the week. Cleaning your house can incorporate a variety of muscle groups without you even realizing it.

  • Team sports

All sports are great for your health, but team sports in particular have been found to have beneficial effects. Working with others towards a shared goal is a lovely way to bond with others, and our social connections play a big role in emotional wellbeing.

  • Nordic walking

If you’re already an avid walker and want to step up your game, try Nordic walking. Using two poles to harness the power of your upper body, the Nordic walking technique helps you propel yourself forward, and turns walking into a full-body exercise.

The poles also take some weight off the knees and lower body joints, making it suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

  • Build  workout routine

Planning your workouts ahead of time will help you stay on track and meet your fitness goals.

It’s challenging to get used to a new routine, but as you start getting in shape, you’ll start feeling good. You may even want to amp up your fitness game more!

  • Horse riding

Horses are used as therapy aids because they’re incredibly intuitive and have the ability to mirror your feelings; this can make horse riding especially beneficial for those living with mental illness. Horse riding is also accessible for all abilities.

  • Hit the gym

It’s sometimes tough to stay motivated, especially when your schedule is full and you’re feeling run down. But truth be told, a bonus benefit of getting a gym membership is for the gymspiration.

At the gym, you’ll be surrounded by like-minded people who make physical fitness a priority, which can help you stay motivated to achieve your fitness goals.

Lots of gyms also offer fun fitness classes, which are a great way to add some variety to your routine.

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