Top 10 Healthiest Drinks To Help You Lose Weight Weekly.

Healthiest Drinks To Help You Lose Weight – It Sounds impossible to lose  up to 10 pounds  weekly right? No doubt that exercise and diet plans hardly work. And it is quite tough saying No to tempting foods.

Healthiest Drinks To Help You Lose Weigh

Today I am going to share someone experience I may call the secrete to  the weight loss.  The process is all about drinking weight loss boosting drinks accompanied by healthy foods and workouts. We have done a thorough research and made a list of the top 10 healthiest drinks to help you lose weight weekly  and  that can also help you  boost metabolism, improve digestion, and are easy to prepare.

Note that what we drink can have a significant effect on how much we are weigh and our overall health. Equipped with the right knowledge, people who want to lose weight can use this tips to their advantage.

Most often, weight loss involves changing eating, drinking, and exercise habits.

The best way to quickly lose weight is to increasing daily activity levels and consuming the right amounts of high quality, nutrient dense foods.

Some drinks are less healthful than they seem. The following strategies can help a person make drink choices that support weight loss:

  • Read nutrition labels to learn exactly how many calories are in each serving.
  • Double-check serving sizes, as some small containers contain multiple servings.
  • At a coffee shop, ask for a smaller size and lower-fat milk.
  • Avoid flavored syrups and whipped cream.
  • At a bar, alternate alcoholic drinks with water or low-calorie beverages.

Top 10 Healthiest Drinks To Help You Lose Weight Weekly

In this tips, we look at the top 10 healthiest drinks to help you lose weight weekly.

1. Coffee

Good news for all coffee lovers: a cup of coffee can help you lose weight. As long as you don’t pour a lot of milk and sugar in it, of course.

A recent study shows that drinking four cups of coffee a day can lead to a 4 percent reduction in body fat. According to the researchers, caffeine has a positive effect on your metabolism.

2. Grapefruit juice

If you fancy a sweet drink, fruit juice sounds like a good, healthy option. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. Although fruit juices sound healthy, they are often huge sugar bombs. Not great if you want to lose some weight.

If you still want to drink a fruit juice, opt for a small glass of grapefruit juice. In a 12-week study, one hundred obese men and women were divided into three groups.

The first group ate half a grapefruit before each meal; the second group drank a glass of grapefruit juice before each meal; the last group did not get any grapefruit.

On average, the grapefruit eaters lost about 1.6 kilos and those who drank the grapefruit juice lost 1.5 kilos. The control group, which did not get any grapefruit, lost less than half a kilo in the twelve weeks.

3. Water

It will not surprise you that water is number 1 on this list. Water is the healthiest drink you can drink if you want to lose weight. Drink a glass of water before a meal and you’ll soon notice that you feel fuller.

Often you’ll feel hungry, while you’re actually just thirsty. “The more water you drink, the more weight you will lose,” claims nutritionist.

How much water you need to drink per day varies from person to person. For one person, 1.5 to 2 liters a day is the minimum, while another needs 3 liters. Drinking enough water not only helps you lose weight, it’s also very good for your skin.

4. Water with Fresh Fruit

At some point you can get tired of just plain water. A solution is to give your water a different flavour. You can easily do that by adding some fresh fruit and let it infuse your water.

You can also add a little juice to your glass of water, such as cranberry, orange or grapefruit juice.

This way your ‘boring’ water tastes a little sweeter, but it’s still one of the healthiest drinks if you want to lose weight.

5. Green Tea

Green tea contains special antioxidants, catechins. These catechins are supposed to stimulate the metabolism and make your body burn more fat.

An analysis of fourteen studies showed that people who drank a lot of green tea lost about four kilos more weight than people who didn’t drink green tea.

6. Sour Cherry Juice

Poor sleep is often linked to obesity, weight gain and difficulty losing weight. A fruit that can help you sleep better is sour cherry. Eating sour cherries or drinking sour cherry juice can improve your sleep quality.

This tasty, healthy fruit juice naturally contains a lot of melatonin and tryptophan. These substances ensure that you fall asleep faster and also sleep much deeper and longer.

In an animal trial, two groups of rats were fed the same high-fat diet. One group of rats got freeze-dried sour cherry powder, the control group did not.

The rats that received the sour cherries experienced a reduction of nine percent in abdominal fat and other signs of metabolic diseases.

7. Coconut Water & Watermelon

During or after exercise it is good for your body to have a sweet drink. However, do not choose a sports drink from the vending machine, but choose, for example, soms coconut water or watermelon water.

Both are low in sugars, but help you get enough liquid after exercise. Watermelon is rich in L-citrulline, an amino acid that helps to remove lactic acid from the muscles and reduce muscle pain and fatigue.

Would you like to make your own watermelon water? Combine 1200 grams of seedless ripe watermelon (diced) and a cup of cold water in a blender or food processor. Mix until it is liquid.

8. Organic Vegetable Protein Shake

Protein is the building block of muscles and it promotes satiety. This can both help with weight loss. If they are low in calories, protein-rich drinks can be an effective tool for losing weight, especially if you drink them as meal replacements or as snacks.

9. White Tea

When it comes to healthy tea, green tea is a real star. However, white tea is also healthy and can help you lose some weight. White tea contains a powerful fat-burning combination of caffeine and the catechin EGCG.

Test tube studies show that this catechin prevents the formation of new fat cells. White tea stimulates the metabolism and the body’s ability to break down existing fat and use it for energy, according to research.

10. Protein Shakes

Protein shakes do not contain the nutrition of a balanced meal or some meal replacement shakes.

However, consuming a high amount of protein may help reduce hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness. As a result, a person may consume fewer calories after a protein shake, and this could help with weight loss.

It is important to be aware, however, that protein shakes also contain calories. As with meal replacement shakes, a person should check for unhealthful ingredients in protein shakes.

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