How To Have A Good Relationship With Your Boss While Working At Home

Good Relationship With Your Boss -_ If you want a good relationship with your boss or looking for ways to handle nagging boss while working from home we have got you covered in this article.  Here are six suggestions for building a stronger alliance with your boss.

Good Relationship With Your Boss

Good Relationship With Your Boss


Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, most people have been forced to work from home which is proving difficult than expected. Not only are you caring for your children since schools are shut down but you also have to deliver on work deadlines.

While trying to achieve a good work-life balance is almost impossible while stuck home, your current boss is not making it easy for you.

You constantly get unscheduled calls demanding you finish your tasks, unending emails from the same not to mention the crazy targets you have to meet.

All these things might leave you feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained.

Productive, respectful relationships between a boss and his or her employees is key to any company’s success. This is why some boss sometimes like nagging at their employees.

If you found yourself in tough time working situation, this article will help you to deal with the situation and give an hint on how to have a good relationship with your boss while working from home.

 Changing jobs might not be an option in this situation, here are some ways you can handle a nagging boss while working from home:

You might be feeling exhausted by the current situation and expecting your boss to understand; you have a house full of kids and the work is too much. Well in most cases your boss might know you have a family but they don’t really care, all they want is the work done.

Never use your busy life at home as an excuse for not completing tasks, it doesn’t give you a good image as an employee. Remember your boss has tasks to deliver on and people they answer to as well, always do your part and stay in the game.

How To Have A Good Relationship With Your Boss While Working From Home

Identify an ideal time to work

Working from home is not the same compared to the office where the environment is favourable. When home, you have to work around children, house chores and probable noise pollutants.

If you are stuck on working with the same schedule as you are used to from the office; maybe that is where you are getting it wrong.

You will be constantly disrupted by your children from something you have to handle and before you know it you won’t have gotten any work done. If you can work during the night and have your day with them, work with that.

Remember your children will also need and demand your attention.

Plan yourself

You are probably feeling overwhelmed because you want to do everything at the same time, which is impossible. In order to handle your nagging boss always stay one step ahead of them.

Work with a schedule, write down everything you need to do before the actual day comes. When working around children, ensure you have a plan for them and a schedule as well.

When you just wake up in the morning and let the day roll, you are bound to feel the pinch one way or another. It is either your house plans will lag behind or your tasks from work. You cannot afford to have either fall behind schedule.

Remember your boss is human, too

Most leaders come to work with their professional game face on, armed with a to-do list a mile long. They spend their days focused on moving the company closer to its goals. However, even leaders appreciate when their employees see them as something more than the guy or gal who signs their paychecks.

Assess the situation

You could probably be assuming your boss is simply nagging you for no reason but there is always an underlying issue to everything. Assess the situation by seeing how far back your boss started being a nag. Was it before or after the pandemic? Either way, you can know how to handle the situation better when you know where to start.

Try to figure out the areas your boss is always complaining about and fill the gaps, the problem could be right under your nose.

Try not to shift blame or point an accusing finger, take all criticism positively so that your attitude towards your boss doesn’t change. This can easily interfere with your productivity at work and damage your relationship with them.

Stop assuming your boss understands

You might be feeling exhausted by the current situation and expecting your boss to understand; you have a house full of kids and the work is too much. Well in most cases your boss might know you have a family but they don’t really care, all they want is the work done.

Never use your busy life at home as an excuse for not completing tasks, it doesn’t give you a good image as an employee. Remember your boss has tasks to deliver on and people they answer to as well, always do your part and stay in the game.

Take a break

If you are feeling overwhelmed and probably not delivering at work as required, take a break. You could be putting all the blame on your boss thinking they are demanding too much from you, when actually you could be suffering from burnout.  In this case take a step back and let your body and mind rest.

Burnout is real and it can cause unending fatigue, emotional exhaustion and poor work delivery. Try and engage your body in other things like exercising or dancing just to break the monotony.

Take a leave from work and focus on yourself for a few days or weeks, this way you can come back fresh and well rested.

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