How to get rid of headache: 5 kinds of headache remedies.

Get rid of headache: Headache is a pain in the head that you usually experience while living a lifetime. Headache has a primary headache that does not appear to be a specific disease, and secondary headaches that manifest as symptoms of other diseases.

Primary headaches include migraine, which is caused by severe mental stress or by severe blood pressure or nervous response to tension headaches and special stimuli that appear after long working in the same posture. Secondary headache can be caused by symptoms such as brain tumor, cerebrovascular disease, encephalitis, meningitis.

People suffering from stress often suffer from primary headaches. Then what should I do when my head hurts like a sore throat? I will look at 5 kinds of headache remedies.

How to get rid of headache:

5 Social kinds of headache remedies.

1. Stretching

It is best to relieve stress before headaches get worse. Take a deep breath and drink and stretch. It releases the muscles that cause headaches. Stretching not only corrects bad posture but also improves another factor that causes headaches.

2. Caffeine

Caffeine, which is found in coffee, blocks brain receptors from adenosine, a neurotransmitter that increases blood volume and pressure, and makes weak headaches disappear. It is effective to consume less than 150 milligrams of caffeine (one or two cups of coffee) per day. If you usually eat more than this amount, the effect does not appear.

3. Cold and hot fomentation

It is a good way to relieve weak headaches. Experts do not know exactly why this method is good for relieving headaches. However, the cold slows blood circulation and reduces inflammation, and the hot one increases blood circulation.

These seem to play a role in relieving pain. Experts say, “It’s good to pack a hot or cold pack for 15 minutes at a time, with a headache.”

4. Mint tea

It is good when you are sick with headaches. “Neurological changes in the brain caused by headaches can cause nausea,” the experts said. “Mint relieves headache symptoms by reducing seizures in the gastrointestinal tract.”

5. Prescription-free medicine

Prescription-free antipathetic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce inflammation and inhibit compounds in the brain that cause pain. Experts recommend that these drugs be used only once a week. If you break it, you may get a headache due to drug abuse.

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