Georgia Institute of Technology Tuition Fee

Choosing the right university is a significant decision, and understanding the associated costs is a crucial part of the process. Georgia Institute of Technology, commonly known as Georgia Tech, is one of the leading research universities in the United States. Known for its rigorous academic programs and vibrant campus life, Georgia Tech attracts students from all over the world. As prospective students and parents consider this prestigious institution, gaining a clear understanding of the tuition fees and overall cost of attendance is essential. This article provides a detailed breakdown of Georgia Tech’s tuition fees, financial aid options, and tips for managing the costs effectively.

History of Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology, founded in 1885, began as a modest trade school aimed at industrializing the post-Civil War Southern United States. Initially, it offered a single degree in mechanical engineering, reflecting its mission to support the region’s economic recovery. Over the years, Georgia Tech expanded its academic programs and evolved into a comprehensive research university.

Significant milestones include the admission of women in 1952, the establishment of the College of Computing in 1990, and the growth of its research enterprise, making it a leader in technological innovation. Today, Georgia Tech is renowned for its cutting-edge research, diverse academic offerings, and strong emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. With a commitment to solving real-world problems, Georgia Tech continues to shape the future through education, research, and innovation.

Georgia Institute of Technology Tuition Fee

Tuition Fees for Undergraduate Programs

Understanding the cost of attending Georgia Institute of Technology is crucial for prospective undergraduate students. Tuition fees at Georgia Tech vary based on residency status, with different rates for in-state and out-of-state students.

In-State Tuition Fees

For Georgia residents, the tuition fees are more affordable due to state subsidies. As of the current academic year, in-state undergraduate students pay approximately $10,258 per year in tuition. This rate reflects Georgia Tech’s commitment to making higher education accessible to residents of Georgia.

Out-of-State Tuition Fees

Out-of-state students face higher tuition costs, as they do not benefit from state subsidies. The tuition fees for out-of-state undergraduate students are approximately $31,370 per year. Despite the higher cost, many out-of-state students choose Georgia Tech for its outstanding academic programs and career opportunities.

Additional Costs

In addition to tuition, students should budget for other necessary expenses such as:

  • Books and Supplies: Estimated at around $800 per year.
  • Housing and Meals: Depending on the housing option and meal plan, costs can range from $12,090 to $14,258 annually.
  • Personal Expenses: Including transportation, health insurance, and other personal needs, estimated at around $3,200 per year.
  • Mandatory Fees: Covering services such as health, technology, and transportation, which amount to approximately $2,594 annually.

These additional costs contribute to the total cost of attendance, which students and their families should consider when planning for their education at Georgia Tech.

Tuition Fees for Graduate Programs

Graduate programs at Georgia Institute of Technology also have distinct tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state students. The fees vary depending on the specific program and degree pursued.

In-State Tuition Fees

Graduate students who are residents of Georgia benefit from lower tuition rates. The in-state tuition fees for graduate programs typically range from $13,720 to $14,064 per year. This affordability supports residents in pursuing advanced degrees without incurring significant debt.

Out-of-State Tuition Fees

Out-of-state graduate students face higher tuition rates, similar to the undergraduate programs. The tuition fees for out-of-state graduate students generally range from $28,568 to $29,400 per year. Despite the higher fees, the investment is often justified by the advanced education and research opportunities provided by Georgia Tech.

Additional Costs

Graduate students should also account for additional expenses beyond tuition:

  • Books and Supplies: Estimated at around $1,200 per year.
  • Housing and Meals: Costs can vary widely based on personal choices, ranging from $14,258 to $16,664 annually.
  • Personal Expenses: Including transportation, health insurance, and other necessities, estimated at around $3,200 per year.
  • Mandatory Fees: Covering services such as health, technology, and transportation, which amount to approximately $2,594 annually.

It’s important for prospective graduate students to consider these additional costs when planning their education at Georgia Tech. Many students also explore funding options such as assistantships, fellowships, and research grants to help offset these expenses.

Special Programs and Tuition Fees

Georgia Institute of Technology offers a range of specialized programs that have distinct tuition rates and structures. These programs cater to various needs and interests, including online education and professional development.

Online Degree Programs

Georgia Tech provides a variety of online degree programs that offer flexibility for working professionals and students who cannot attend classes on campus. Tuition for online programs typically mirrors the rates for in-state and out-of-state students, though there might be slight variations based on the specific program. For example:

  • Master’s Programs: Online master’s programs, such as those in Computer Science or Analytics, usually have a tuition rate similar to out-of-state rates, around $1,500 to $2,000 per credit hour.
  • Certificates and Professional Programs: Shorter-term certificates and professional development courses often have different pricing structures, which can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars depending on the program length and content.

Professional Development Courses

Georgia Tech offers professional development and continuing education courses that cater to industry professionals seeking to upgrade their skills. These courses vary in cost based on the subject matter and duration. Some programs might charge per course or provide a package rate.

Specialized Programs

Certain programs, such as executive education or dual-degree programs, may have different fee structures. For instance:

  • Executive MBA: This program typically involves higher tuition rates due to its intensive nature and the inclusion of additional resources and support.
  • Dual-Degree Programs: Students enrolled in dual-degree programs may pay tuition for each degree, but there might be opportunities for reduced rates or financial aid.

Understanding the specific tuition rates for these special programs is essential for prospective students to effectively plan their finances and make informed decisions about their education at Georgia Tech.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Navigating the cost of education at Georgia Institute of Technology can be made easier through various financial aid options and scholarships available to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Types of Financial Aid Available

  • Federal Financial Aid: Students can apply for federal grants, loans, and work-study programs through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Federal aid is based on financial need and includes options like Pell Grants and Stafford Loans.
  • State Financial Aid: Georgia residents may be eligible for state-sponsored financial aid programs, such as the HOPE Scholarship and HOPE Grant, which provide financial support to reduce the cost of tuition.

Scholarships Offered by Georgia Tech

  • Institutional Scholarships: Georgia Tech offers a range of scholarships based on merit, need, and specific fields of study. Notable scholarships include the President’s Scholarship Program, which awards substantial financial support to high-achieving students.
  • Departmental Scholarships: Various departments and schools within Georgia Tech offer scholarships for students pursuing specific disciplines. These scholarships may be based on academic performance, research interests, or extracurricular involvement.
  • External Scholarships: Many students also apply for scholarships from external organizations, including private foundations, businesses, and professional associations. These scholarships can be used to supplement the cost of attendance.

Application Process for Financial Aid

  • FAFSA: To be considered for federal and state financial aid, students must complete the FAFSA form by the deadline. The information provided helps determine the student’s financial need and eligibility for various aid programs.
  • Scholarship Applications: Students should apply for institutional and departmental scholarships by meeting the specific deadlines and requirements. Many scholarships require separate applications, essays, or recommendations.
  • Financial Aid Office: Georgia Tech’s Financial Aid Office provides resources and support for students seeking financial assistance. The office offers guidance on applying for aid, managing financial resources, and understanding award packages.

Taking advantage of these financial aid options and scholarships can significantly reduce the financial burden of attending Georgia Tech, making it more accessible to a diverse range of students.

Cost of Attendance

Understanding the total cost of attendance at Georgia Institute of Technology is crucial for students and their families when planning their education budget. This cost includes not only tuition but also additional expenses associated with living and studying at Georgia Tech.

Breakdown of Total Cost of Attendance

1. Tuition Fees:

  • In-State Undergraduates: Approximately $10,258 per year.
  • Out-of-State Undergraduates: Approximately $31,370 per year.
  • In-State Graduate Students: Ranges from $13,720 to $14,064 per year.
  • Out-of-State Graduate Students: Ranges from $28,568 to $29,400 per year.

2. Housing and Meals:

  • On-Campus Housing: $12,090 to $14,258 annually, depending on the housing option chosen.
  • Meal Plans: Costs typically range from $4,500 to $6,500 per year, based on the meal plan selected.

3. Books and Supplies:

  • Estimated at around $800 per year for undergraduate students and $1,200 for graduate students.

4. Personal Expenses:

  • Including transportation, health insurance, and other personal needs, estimated at around $3,200 per year.

5. Mandatory Fees:

  • Covering services such as health, technology, and transportation, these fees amount to approximately $2,594 annually.

Differences for In-State and Out-of-State Students

The primary difference in the cost of attendance between in-state and out-of-state students lies in the tuition fees. Out-of-state students incur higher tuition costs, which significantly impact the overall expense. However, both groups of students should budget for similar additional costs, including housing, meals, and personal expenses.

By understanding the total cost of attendance, students and their families can better plan and manage their finances, ensuring they are prepared for the financial commitments associated with studying at Georgia Tech.

Payment Plans and Options

Georgia Institute of Technology offers several payment plans and options to help students manage their tuition and fees effectively. These options are designed to accommodate different financial situations and preferences.

Available Payment Plans

  • Monthly Payment Plan: Georgia Tech provides a monthly payment plan that allows students and their families to spread tuition payments over several months. This plan can help make the financial burden more manageable by dividing the total cost into smaller, more affordable payments.
  • Semester Payment Plan: For those who prefer to make payments in larger, less frequent installments, the semester payment plan allows students to pay their tuition in full for each semester. This option is suitable for those who have the means to make lump-sum payments at the beginning of each term.

Deadlines and Penalties for Late Payments

  • Payment Deadlines: Georgia Tech has specific deadlines for tuition payments each semester. It is important for students to be aware of these deadlines to avoid any late fees or penalties. Deadlines are typically set before the start of each semester.
  • Late Payment Fees: If payments are not made by the deadline, students may incur late fees. These fees can vary based on the amount overdue and the length of the delay. It’s crucial to make payments on time to avoid additional costs and potential holds on student accounts.

Options for Installment Payments

  • Interest-Free Installments: The monthly payment plan is generally interest-free, making it a cost-effective option for spreading tuition costs. Students should enroll in this plan early to ensure they receive the benefit of interest-free payments.
  • Flexible Payment Arrangements: Georgia Tech’s Bursar’s Office offers flexible payment arrangements for students facing financial difficulties. These arrangements can include customized payment schedules or deferrals, depending on the student’s situation.

By utilizing these payment plans and options, students can better manage their tuition costs and ensure they meet financial obligations in a way that suits their individual needs and circumstances.


Understanding the tuition fees and overall cost of attendance at Georgia Institute of Technology is vital for prospective students and their families. Georgia Tech, known for its distinguished programs and vibrant campus life, requires careful financial planning to ensure that students can fully benefit from their educational experience.

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