The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

In Africa generally, there are numerous trees that can be identified with the biodiversity obtained in that sub-Saharan ecosystem. Though the fastest growing trees in Northern Nigeria are however listed for your knowledge, it means some of these trees are compatible with the arability and climatic conditions of each land in each region.

The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

  • Rogon Daji (SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ampelocissus africana)

The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

Ampelocissus africana (known in Hausa as either Rogon daji or Lanbi) is a woody vine, or liana of the grape family, having edible fruit. It is native to habitats in, and around forested areas in Guinea, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania (including the Zanzibar Archipelago, from where the type specimen was collected), Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

It was originally described botanically in 1790 by João de Loureiro as Botria africanus, which is the basionym for its treatment here under Ampelocissus.

It is one of the fastest growing trees in Northern Nigeria.

  • Yohimbe  (SCIENTIFIC NAME: Pausinystalia johimbe)

The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

This is another one of the fastest growing trees in Northern Nigeria. Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe) is an evergreen tree native to Africa. The bark has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and to enhance sexual performance.

Yohimbe is promoted for erectile dysfunction, athletic performance, weight loss, angina (chest pain caused by not enough blood flow to the heart), high blood pressure, diabetic neuropathy, and more.

  • Moringa Zogale (SCIENTIFIC NAME: Moringa oleifera)

The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

Moringa oleifera, also called zogale, is grown and harvested as a tiny and middle-sized tree in different parts of the world. It has various industrial applications, such as medicine, food, and cosmetics. M. oleifera tree is known as a miracle tree containing essential nutrients that could play a significant role in human nutrition.

The leaves have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle. It’s also packed with antioxidants, substances that can protect cells from damage and may boost your immune system

Different parts (leaves, peels, seeds, and flowers) of the Moringa tree are good sources of phenolic compounds, essential amino acids, vitamins, proteins, and beta carotenes, which can play a regulatory and functional role.

The Moringa tree is one of the fastest growing trees in Northern Nigeria.

  • Mango (SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mangifera indica)

The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

Mango (mangifera indica) is a species of flowering plant in the family Anacardiaceae. It is a large fruit-tree, capable of growing to a height and crown width of about 30 metres (100 ft) and trunk circumference of more than 3.7 metres (12 ft).

Medically, the fruit juice can taken to treat jaundice. The bark of the fruit is also a cure for fever and diarrhoea. Undoubtedly, it is one of the fastest growing trees in Northern Nigeria.

  • Bakin Faru (Lannea Acida/Anacardiaceace)

The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

A small tree, it is capable of growing up to 12 meters tall, it has a brown-black colored scaly bark, with red and yellow fibrous slash. Its fruit is an ellipsoid drupe, yellowish to red colored when ripe, fruiting usually begins at the end of the dry season or at the beginning of the rainy season and last a couple of months, the plant is usually leafless during the fruiting period.

Being one of the fastest growing trees in Northern Nigeria, it is a popular tree that’s used as a treatment for pile, or stomach troubles, or skin infection, or toothache.

  • Jan Yaro Fulafulfulde (SCIENTIFIC NAME: hymenocardia acida)

The Fastest Growing Trees in Northern Nigeria.

It is one of the fastest growing trees in Northern Nigeria. It is generally used for different kinds of therapeutic functions in the human body. Many examples of these functions are that it can be used as poultice for abscesses and tumors, or as sources for mental strength or as therapy for some deafness.

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