7 Fastest Growing Trees in Nigeria.

There are numerous fastest growing trees in Nigeria  that have equivalent quality and health benefits.  In this post, we’ve compiled a list of fastest growing trees in Nigeria  commonly found in different parts of Nigeria along with their uses.

Fastest Growing Trees in Nigeria

Fastest Growing Trees in Nigeria.

These are the fastest and popularly growing trees in Nigeria:

1. Neem Trees.

The Neem tree popularly referred to  as Dogon Yaro is a tree in the mahogany family with broad dark brown stem and widely spread branches. It grows above 15-20m and produces evergreen leaves with white fragrant flowers and fruits.

Neem tree is the number one fastest growing trees in Nigeria and are most consistently recommended in ancient medical texts for gastrointestinal upsets, diarrhea and intestinal infections, skin ulcers and infections, and malaria.

India encouraged scientific investigations of neem tree as part of his program to revitalize Indian tradition and also increase commercial interest on neem  and presently some believe that no other plant or tree in the world has been so extensively used, in all possible capacities so far like neem tree. In Africa extracts from Neem leaves have provided various medicinal preparations.

2. Palm Trees.

Palm Trees are also the fastest growing trees in Nigeria that are found sprawling through vast regions of Nigeria. Particularly abundant between latitudes 30° N and 30° S, palms prefer tropical and subtropical climates.

Palm plants are indigenous to the area in which they grow. A majority of the palm species found throughout Nigeria and some are naturally occurring but some have been transported, either intentionally or accidentally, by humans and animals.

3. Moringa Trees.

Scientifically, it is known as Moringa Oleifera . In Nigeria especially in the north where it is commonly grown, the Hausa people call it Zogale. Other common names are; Ben-oil tree, horse radish tree, Drumstick tree (referring to the large pods). It is mostly planted around local houses and used as a fence.

4 Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a well-known plant in North Eastern, Nigeria. 5 Lam seed; is a highly valued plant, with an impressive range of medicinal uses and high nutritional value.

Common names include moringa, drumstick tree (from the long, slender, triangular seed-pods), horseradish tree (from the taste of the roots, which resembles horseradish), and ben oil tree or benzolive tree.

4. Mango Tree

Nigeria is the  home to  of mango trees, some planted and other are transported, either intentionally or accidentally, by humans and animals that produce huge quantities of the fruit every year. The quantities are sufficient to boost the economy and generate employment for thousands in Nigeria but sadly, the fruits are being wasted because of lack of a processing plant.

The Botanical name of Mango is  Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae). The uses includes:

  • The fruit juice can be taken to treat jaundice
  • The boiled bark and leaves can be used to treat fever
  • The decoction from the fresh leaves can be used to treat diarrhoea
5. Frangipani Tree.

One of the iconic fastest growing trees in Nigeria and plants of the tropics, the frangipani, is an easy flower to grow. The plant can produce flowers ranging from pure white to sulphur yellow, pink, red and orange and more combinations.

Most of them share the same meanings, with the notable exception of the white flower in Indian culture. Red flowers aren’t used for weddings. So only white and cream colored frangipani are considered appropriate for declaring love between two people.

Frangipanis thrive in tropical, subtropical and warm-temperate climates. They are sensitive to frost but, once established, can tolerate light frosts, so they’re even worth a try in cool climates. Plant in full sun.

6. Gmelina Tree.

Gmelina tree is one of the fastest growing trees in Nigeria and the most commonly planted exotic tree species in Nigeria and, at the end of 1986, over 100,000  of plantations of the species have been established.

Its growth is particularly promising in the rain-forest and derived savanna zones where most of these plantations are found. The wood is one of the best timbers of the tropics, useful for particle board, plywood core stock, pit props, matches, and saw timber for light construction, furniture, general carpentry, and packing. Also used in carriages, carvings, musical instruments, and ornamental work

7. Hybrid Poplar.

A very fast-growing tree, up to 5 to 8 feet per year.  A versatile tree that can be used as a deciduous screen, shade tree to reduce energy cost, and often planted in rows for firewood.

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