5 Interesting Facts About Nigeria Independence

Nigeria’s independence day is 1st of October. It is a very significant day to all Nigerians,  the day the country gained her independence from the British empire. Nigerians celebrate the independence day in every 1st of October.

It took a lot of passion, determination, and selflessness from many great Nigerians to make the independence day a reality in 1960. Nigeria officially gained her  independence on 1st of October 1960.

2. Flora Shaw give the name ‘Nigeria’

The name ‘Nigeria’ was an idea coined by Flora Shaw. She was the wife of Lord Lugard, a British soldier who paved the way for Nigeria’s amalgamation and became the first Governor-General of Nigeria. Flora drew inspiration from the great river Niger and combined the words ‘Niger’ and ‘Area’ to form ‘Nigeria’.

3. Tafawa Balewa Square

It is the most well-known monument of Nigeria’s independence. Today, the main arena of Tafawa Balewa Square is used to host different public events including Independence Day celebrations on October 1 each year.

The Nigerian Armed Forces, the Nigeria Police Force, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the workforce, and national education services all celebrate this day with the public. Offices and markets will close on this day and the citizens take to the street dressed in green and white to celebrate.

4. Nigerians embraces independence day wishes

The popular Nigerians independence day wishes is like this: Happy Independence Day. Let there be freedom in your mind and body, faith in your wards and pride in your soul. Let’s salute our nation. We are blessed to have a right to speak and to be heard.

5. Nigeria was formed in 1914.

The land area known today as Nigeria was formed in 1914 when colonial authorities merged the Northern and Southern Protectorates of Nigeria, to form the amalgamated Protectorate and Colony of Nigeria.

This merger brought together over 400 ethnic groups and tribes into what was then the largest British colony in the world. The name “Nigeria” is also derived from colonial sources.

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