How To Create a Successful Entrepreneur Vision: Why Is It Essential?

Entrepreneur Vision:- When you think of becoming entrepreneur, you equally must have expectations, dreams or mental pictures of future possibilities. Sometimes you can either think positively or negatively.

Entrepreneur Vision

When you think negatively, you have problems of changing your entrepreneurial goals positively. On the other hand, if you think positively you can make impossibilities to become possibilities in the business environment.

This article will  prepare you to understand how you can come up with a clear entrepreneur vision so that you will become successful in the business environment.

We would define vision, key element that make entrepreneur vision socceed,  how entrepreneur can create the best  vision and ways of keeping  vision alive and many more.

I am sure you are prepared to follow me to explore the roles of vision in making you a successful entrepreneur.

Defining vision and its components

Vision evokes pictures in the mind; it suggests a future orientation. Vision is vital to human existence.

The future picture (Lynch, 1997): Vision is in the realm of imagination of a favorable future. Vision is best described by the visioned.

Vision is also a picture of your company in the future. It is your inspiration, the framework for all your strategic planning and it is also articulating your dreams and hopes for your business.

Vision can also be defined as the mental images or picture of a preferred future either for the individual or for an organization; such future is in the realm of imagination which the visioned must bring into reality with the support of others.

How To Create a Successful Entrepreneur Vision

Key elements that make entrepreneur vision succeed

1. Take personal responsibility for initiating change: 

The entrepreneur must take personal responsibility to initiate the necessary change. People resist change; most people see the negative effect of the change, but as an entrepreneur, one must stay focused and take charge.

2. Take a Core ideology

It is described as enduring character of an organization-i.e. a consistent identity that transcends product or market life cycle, technological breakthroughs and the likes. It is what the organization stands for, the very purpose for which the organization is created. The core ideology can be further sub-divided into two namely:

  • Core valuei.e. core tenet of the organization, guiding principles, what the organization stands for. It is a state of belief that is very difficult or impossible to change. It has to do with the foundation on which the business relationship both to the society and the entire stakeholders is built. It is the extent of integrity the organization is ready to maintain.
  • Core purpose:the reason for the organization’s existence, a clear description of the activities of the organization. Any organization or individual that misses its purpose is not fit to live; the core purpose must be seen to be achieved. If the purpose is to create an enduring financial system such organization must be seen to fulfill such purpose.
3.  Envisioned future. 

It is creative, looking to a future of greatness; it keeps the organization as well as individual motivated even if the founders are no longer in existence.

How Entrepreneur Can Create  vision and strategy for the organization.

An entrepreneur is the creator of its vision; it is usually first conceived within, and then expressed in writing, the realization of which requires appropriate strategies to be put in place for its implementation.

1. Trust and support others: 

The entrepreneur cannot realize his vision without others. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the entrepreneur communicate his/her vision in a very clear and unambiguous way to elicit the support of others. Since the vision cannot be realized alone there is need for trust so that none of the members of the organization work under suspicious condition.

2. Open yourself for criticism and be ready to adjust.

An entrepreneur must be able to subject the vision to criticism so as to amend and make the vision better. Humility to adjust where necessary is important.

Best way to keep vision alive

 1. Initiate and provide constant vigilance: 

Vision must emanate from the leader(s) within the organization and appropriate vigilance must be ensured to bring the vision to reality. Vision should be original because if copied from other persons, it may not last particularly when challenges arise in the process of actualizing the vision.

2. Set high goals but be realistic: 

Vision must be challenging in the sense that it must call for attention such that it will be worth pursuing. Vision must inspire the owner of the vision as well as those that will be involved in actualizing the vision. Unrealistic goals will result in frustration; hence vision must be realistic to the extent that those involved will believe its accomplishment.

3. Seek significant early involvement by other members of the organization: 

The sharing of vision with others give room for criticism so as to make the vision better and robust. The inputs of others will allow a well conceived vision. If resources have been committed before involving others it may lead to waste; if the vision could be better actualized with minor amendments.

4. Encourage widespread review and comments: 

Subject your vision to a critical evaluation by others, allow both positive and negative comments but be careful of destructive comments. 

5. Keep communications flowing: 

Give room for both vertical and horizontal communication. All the members of the organization or family members must have something to offer. No one is the absolute custodian of knowledge

6.  Allow time for the process to work: 

Do not be in a haste to quit your vision. Sleep over your vision before you get started.

7. Demonstrate commitment, follow through: 

Vision is lonely; demonstrate your commitment and encourage the commitment of the organization members. You must lead others to follow your vision through. If you abandon it no one can revive it but you. So do not quit your vision, a quitter never wins and winners never quit.

8. Maintain harmony of sub-units: 

Ensure the different units of the organization work in harmony. No unit is allowed to work at variance with one another, that is, it must be a unified vision.

How  to make vision a Reality 

  • Vision must be developed by leaders, those who have the strength and influence to establish direction and mobilize the organization members.
  • Empower people at all levels by articulating your vision, agree on clear goals and objectives and give them the authority they need to be entrepreneurial in finding ways of achieving their goals.
  • Remove fear of unknown and fear of failure in your words.
  • Stay focused on the key strategic goals despite all the day-to-day.
  • Create a working environment that encourages creativity.
  • Allow people time for exploration and discovery in addition to normal.
  • Invest in employee training and coaching. Help them to develop entrepreneurial and creative skills.

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