Employment opportunities: 17 social platform to obtain job vacancy in Nigeria

Employment opportunities in Nigeria, apart from positions advertised in the media, there are many other unsolicited or unadvertised positions for people who are inquisitive and daring.

Many organisations do not shout; they usually encourage talented and motivated job-seekers who have what it takes to approach them, drop their resumes and request for an opportunity to be heard.

To obtain quality information about employment opportunities, you must follow the steps below:

1:  Build a network of friends, relatives, instructors and acquaintances. Join professional associations that can lead you to a career

2:  Visit  Career Centres where there are job-related publications, lists of job openings, arrangements for on-campus interviews with company representatives, maintenance of a credentials file, advice on the preparation of resumes and application letters, and guidance about or training for a job interview

3:  You can network your personal contacts who are associates in professional associations and other organisations, friends, relatives, former teachers and classmates and neighbours through phone calls, text messaging, exchange of emails and other social media platforms.

If they do not know of any job opening, they can refer you to their networks focan refer you to their networks for assistance.

4:  The Internet opens an avalanche of job opportunities for you both at local and international levels.

It brings opportunities in your areas of interest in thousands throughout the world, and informs you how to apply and position yourself for employment.

There is an opportunity to post your resume online for many organisations to see and call you for interview.

Read: Secret of getting a good job: 6 secret to deal with employer’s rejection.

17 social platform to obtain job vacancy in Nigeria: Here are the popular website or social platform to obtain job vacancy in Nigeria.

Below are the websites for job search:


Above all, it is becoming highly impossible for anybody in this age to get a job and retain it without knowing how to use the computer or apply information communication technology tools. Therefore, be computer-literate even before you graduate.

It has been discussed earlier on that job opportunities are advertised in newspapers, journals, magazines, on radio, television and other media. Specifically, The Guardian newspaper publishes vacancies twice a week. Monitor the media regularly for updates.


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