Does OAU Have Criminology? Obafemi Awolowo University

Does OAU have Criminology? This is more often the question that comes to the mouth of any students who would have loved for the stars to help them gain admission in this great citadel of learning whose fame is fast spreading not only for its excellent knowledge impartation skills and erudity, but also for its humongous state of the art buildings.

The question again: does OAU have Criminology? Here is the answer you’ve been looking for:

A Short History of OAU

Obafemi Awolowo University is a federal government owned university located in the ancient city of Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. It was founded in 1961. In October 1962, classes commenced while its name was still identified as University of Ife by the regional government of Western Nigeria which was led by late chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola. Consequently, it was renamed Obafemi Awolowo University on 12 May 1987 majorly to honour Chief Obafemi Awolowo who happened to be the first premier of the Western Region of Nigeria. The university was Chief Obafemi’s brainchild.

Criminology as a University Course

Criminology is a scientific study of crime. It is an interdisciplinary field in both behavioural sciences and social sciences. This includes the study of the causes of crime, how to prevent crime and also the study of law enforcement and the criminal justice system. People who study criminology at the university go on to become federal law enforcement investigators or detectives. Not all degree awarding universities in Nigeria offer Criminology.

Criminology as a course of study is therefore not readily offered in many Nigerian universities, except for a selected number of them.

Does OAU Have Criminology?

Obafemi Awolowo University has only thirteen faculties and two colleges — the Postgraduate College and the College of Health Sciences — administered in more than 60 departments.

The university offers undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in fields of specialization spanning the humanities, arts, natural sciences, social sciences, medical sciences, engineering and technology.

It is an undoubted fact that Obafemi Awolowo University does not yet offer Criminology as a course of study, so no one should apply for it. Read the brochure for more info.

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