Crop with the Highest Profit in Farming Business in Nigeria.

Farming in Nigeria, like in most parts of the world, is the most profitable occupation. As the oldest business of mankind which deals with planting and rearing, looking into crop with the highest profit in farming business in Nigeria then becomes imperative now in modern times where it still remains very much relevant.

A crop is a plant that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence. Most crops are harvested as food for humans or fodder for livestock. Following these reasons however, crop farming deserves to be considered as a human engagement that provides the very primary need for human survival. Commercial crops farming is profitable because people must eat to survive. Food is at the top in the hierarchy of the basic needs of man. Therefore, anyone that is involved in this farming business in Nigeria will always be financially blessed.

Based on this inalienable or inevitable essence, it is a venture that is highly profitable if attempted as an enterprise. Consequently, let us dive into knowing some of the crop with the highest profit in farming business.

Crop with the Highest Profit in Farming Business in Nigeria.

Here are the crops with the highest profit in farming business in Nigeria:

1. Rice

Rice is unarguably the most eaten food world-wide and even in Nigeria! Every year Nigeria import thousands of metric tons of rice because of inability of the local farmers to meet the large market for rice. Few people go into rice farming in Nigeria due to what is involved in it. It is capital-intensive and it requires a well irrigated farm land. However, any business man or woman who would go into rice farming in Nigeria will generate a lot of revenue because the market for it is large. Rice takes about 4 to 5 months to mature after planting. It is however one of the crop with the highest profit in farming business in Nigeria.

2. Palm Kernel

This is another crop with the highest profit in farming business in Nigeria. It is close to running an oil business. Palm oil which is the major product of oil palm has many domestic and industrial applications which makes oil palm farming to a very lucrative business. The only challenge of this business is the long time it takes before oil palm starts to produce fruits after planting which is about 3 to 4 years depending on the specie. However, once, your oil palm starts to produce, you have just dug a well of income for yourself for many years; thus, making it very profitable.

3. Cassava

Cassava crop is one of those crops that give many people a lot of income in Nigeria. Cassava farming is one of the crop with the highest profit in farming business in Nigeria because it is easy to cultivate using cassava stems, the time between cultivation and harvesting of cassava is about 8 to 12 months which is not too long, there is a ready market for the product. It doesn’t need the best of soil to grow. Cassava is the raw material for many food products like Garri, cassava flour used in making bread and cakes and other snacks, and even ethanol.

4. Plantain

Plantain has an available market, as it can be eaten fried, roasted or boiled. It is no longer news that plantain is a hot cake in the Nigerian farming business, and as so, it becomes the crop with the highest profit in farming business in Nigeria.

Plantain farming is a good and easy crop farming you can do. When plantain suckers are cultivated, It takes about 10 to 12 months before it starts to produce. This is not too long a time to wait before reaping the dividend of your investment in the business. It at the end of the day gives so much money.

5. Potatoes

This is another very highly profitable crop good for farming business in Nigeria. Potatoes cultivation is much easier than yam farming as you don’t need to mount long stands as in the case of yam farming. Also, the yield of potatoes is very good. 4 to 5 months after cultivation, potatoes are ready for harvesting. I have done this type of farming and I can attest to that. In fact, in many cases, once you plant potatoes in a land, after harvesting when matured, the following year, you would see some potatoes to harvest even without planting again. Potatoes are loved by most people and this makes the marketing for the product to be easier.

6. Maize

This is another crop that is loved by many Nigerians. It can be eaten roasted or boiled. Also, when milled processed, it can be used to make pap. It can also be processed to produce corn flakes. It is, unfortunate that in Nigeria most farmers who cultivate maize do so only during rainy seasons. However, this crop can be produced all year round by means of irrigation. Commercial maize farming is highly recommended business as it takes about 3 months for maize to mature after planting.

It is a crop with the highest profit in farming business in Nigeria because many international companies use this by-product to produce a lot of baby food and great profitable products in the world and even in Nigeria.

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